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Horta R, Monteiro D., Silva A., Amarante JM, Aguiar P. Erratum: Evaluation of a facial transplant candidate with a facegram: A baseline analysis (Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (2013) 132 (479e-480)). Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013;132:1040-1041.Edit
Nunes A., Vasconcelos PB, Ahues M. Error Bounds for Low-Rank Approximations of the First Exponential Integral Kernel. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 2013;34:74-93.Edit
Almeida FD, Ahues M, Fernandes R.. Errors and grids for projected weakly singular integral equations. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics . 2013;89:203-213.Edit
Menezes L., Guerreiro A., Martinho M., Ferreira RA. Essay on the role of teachers' questioning in inquiry-based mathematics teaching. Sisyphus: Journal of Education. 2013;1(3):44-75.Edit
Oliveira PM, Prior A.. Estimação dos parâmetros de um modelo estocástico com mudança de regime Portugal, Aveiro 2013.Edit
Zakharov A. An estimate for the rank of the intersection of subgroups in free amalgamated products of two groups with normal finite amalgamated subgroup. Matematicheskii Sbornik . 2013;204(2):73-86.
Pinto N. Estimating relatedness with no prior specification of any genealogy: The role of the X-chromosome. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series. 2013;4.Edit
Ramos A, Ledford A. Estimation of the extremal index function in case of asymptotically independent Markov chains and its application to stock market indices. Vol Recent Developments in Modeling and Applications in Statistics, Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics Springer 2013.Edit
Horta R, Monteiro D, Silva A, Amarante JM, Aguiar P. Evaluation of a Facial Transplant Candidate with a Facegram: A Baseline Analysis: Correction. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013;132:1040-1041.Edit
Aguiar P, Horta R, Monteiro D., Silva A., Amarante JM. Evaluation of a facial transplant candidate with a facegram: A baseline analysis. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2013;132:479e-480e.Edit
Carneiro J., Duarte-Pereira S., Azevedo L., Castro L., Aguiar P, Moreira I., et al. The Evolutionary Portrait of Metazoan NAD Salvage. PLoS ONE. 2013;8.Edit
Almeida R, Silva M., Rocha AP. Exploring QT variability dependence from heart rate in coma and brain death on pediatric patients. In: Computing in Cardiology. Vol 40.; 2013. 6. p. 61-64p. Edit
Almeida R, Silva M., Rocha AP. Exploring QT variability dependence from heart rate in coma and brain death on pediatric patients. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2013.; 2013. 6. p. 61-64p. Edit
Marques N., Almeida R, Rocha AP, Coimbra M.. Exploring the Stationary Wavelet Transform detail coefficients for detection and identification of the S1 and S2 heart sounds. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2013.; 2013. 8. p. 891-894p. Edit
Marques N., Almeida R, Rocha AP, Coimbra M.. Exploring the Stationary Wavelet Transform detail coefficients for detection and identification of the S1 and S2 heart sounds. In: Computing in Cardiology. Vol 40.; 2013. 8. p. 891-894p. Edit
Freitas JM. Extremal behaviour of chaotic dynamics. Dyn. Syst.. 2013;28:302-332.
Faranda D, Freitas JM, Lucarini V, Turchetti G, Vaienti S. Extreme value statistics for dynamical systems with noise. Nonlinearity. 2013;26:2597-2622.Edit
Gaspar J., Vasconcelos PB, Afonso O. Economic growth and multiple equilibria: A critical note. Economic Modelling. 2014;36:157-160.Edit
Guedes-Martins L, Graça H., Saraiva JP, Guedes L, Gaio A., Cerdeira A, et al. The eff ects of spinal anaesthesia for elective caesarean section on uterine and umbilical arterial pulsatility indexes in normotensive and chronic hypertensive pregnant women: a prospective longitudinal study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2014;14.Edit
Silva P., Aguiar P, Duarte R, Davids K, Araújo D, Garganta J. Effects of pitch size and skill level on tactical behaviours of Association Football players during small-sided and conditioned games. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching. 2014;9:993-1006.Edit
[2014-30] Diekert V, Martin F, Sénizergues G, Silva PV. Equations over free inverse monoids with idempotent variables .Edit
Broda S, Machiavelo A, Moreira N, Reis R. On the Equivalence of Automata for KAT-expressions. Vol 8493. Beckmann A, Csuhaj-Varjú E, Meer K, editors 2014.Edit
Severo M., Gaio A., Povo A., Silva-Pereira F., Ferreira M.. Evidence-based decision about test scoring rules in clinical anatomy multiple-choice examinations. Anatomical Sciences Education. 2014.Edit
Pinto CM. Exciting dynamical behavior in a network of two coupled rings of Chen oscillators. Nonlinear Dynam.. 2014;78:1245-1259.Edit
Vasconcelos PB, Marques O. Experiments with GPU-Acceleration for Solving a Radiative Transfer Problem. In: Murgante B, Misra S, Rocha AMaria AC, Torre C, Rocha JG, Falcão MIrene et al., editors. Computational Science and Its Applications ICCSA 2014. Vol 8582. Springer International Publishing; 2014. 5. p. 550-559p. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; vol 8582).Edit
