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Time evolution of the eddy viscosity in a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes flow. Physical Review E. 2000;61:2118-2120.Edit
Analytic linearizability of some resonant vector fields. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2001;129:2473-2481 (electronic).Edit
Computing the elasticity of a Krull monoid. Linear Algebra Appl.. 2001;336:191-200.Edit
Path Formulation for a Modal Family. Portugaliae Mathematica. 2001;58(4):407-424.
Chaotic Newton's sequences. The Mathematical Intelligencer. 2002;24(1):1-5.
Normal forms for locally exact Poisson structures in R^3. Journal of Geometry and Physics. 2002;43(1):27-32.Edit
On the number of factorizations of an element in an atomic monoid. Adv. in Appl. Math.. 2002;29:438-453.Edit
Clustered partial linear regression. MACHINE LEARNING. 2003.Edit
Linearity of the transverse Poisson structure to a coadjoint orbit. Lett. Math. Phys.. 2003;65:213-227.Edit
Switching along a network. In: International Conference on Differential Equations, Equadiff 2003, Hasselt, Belgium .; 2003. 4. p. 449-451p.
[2004-8] Dynamics near a heteroclinic network .
Intersection and linking numbers in oriented matroids. Discrete Comput. Geom.. 2004;31:305-321.Edit
A Parallel Code for Integral Equations on a Cluster of Computers. In: Constanda C, Largillier A., Ahues M, editors. Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic and Numerical Techniques. Birkhäuser Boston; 2004. 2. p. 261-266p. Edit
[2004-24] Simple vector fields with complex behaviour .
Simulation and modelling of vehicule’s delay at semi-actuated signalized intersections. In: Compstat’2004 symposium.; 2004. 1. p. 1823-1830p. Edit
[2004-21] Tameness of pseudovariety joins involving R .Edit
12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 Covilha, Portugal, December 5-8, 2005 - Introduction. In: Bento C., Cardoso A., Dias G., editors. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings. Vol 3808.; 2005. 2. 235. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3808).Edit
12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2005 Covilha, Portugal, December 5-8, 2005 - Introduction. In: Bento C., Cardoso A., Dias G., editors. Progress in Artificial Intelligence, Proceedings. Vol 3808.; 2005. 2. 235. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3808).Edit
On the Azumaya locus of some crossed products. Comm. Algebra. 2005;33:51-72.
Classification of ordinal data using neural networks. In: Gama J., Camacho R, Brazdil P., Jorge A, Torgo L., editors. Machine Learning: Ecml 2005, Proceedings. Vol 3720.; 2005. 6. p. 690-697p. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3720).Edit
Classification of ordinal data using neural networks. In: Gama J., Camacho R, Brazdil P., Jorge A, Torgo L., editors. Machine Learning: Ecml 2005, Proceedings. Vol 3720.; 2005. 6. p. 690-697p. (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence; vol 3720).Edit
classification of ordinal data using neural networks. machine learning: ecml 2005, proceedings. 2005;3720:690-697.Edit