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Index transforms with Weber-type kernels . Integral Transforms and Special Functions. 2018;29(3):171-188.
A class of index integral transforms. Rev. Técn. Fac. Ingr. Univ. Zulia. 1987;10:105-118.Edit
[2008-27] A class of polynomials and discrete transformationsassociated with the Kontorovich- Lebedev operator .
The Fourier-Stieltjes transform of Minkowski's $?(x)$ function and an affirmative answer to Salem's problem. C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris. 2011;349:633-636.
Certain isometries related to the bilateral Laplace transform. Math. Model. Anal.. 2006;11:331-346.
Eigenfunctions and fundamental solutions of the fractional two-parameter Laplacian. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci.. 2010:Art. ID 541934, 18.
On the general index transforms in $L_p$-space. S\=urikaisekikenky\=usho Kōky\=uroku. 1995:60-71.Edit
Some asymptotic expansions of special functions by their indices. Fukuoka Univ. Sci. Rep.. 1995;25:23-32.Edit
On the least values of $L_p$-norms for the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform and its convolution. J. Approx. Theory. 2004;131:231-242.
Asymptotic and summation formulas related to the Lebedev integrals. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2008;19:293-304.
On the construction of integral transformations by the composition method. Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat.. 1993:71-79 (1994).
Index transforms associated with Bessel and Lommel functions. Z. Anal. Anwendungen. 2002;21:627-638.
Index transforms with the squares of Bessel functions. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2016;27(12):981-994.
The generalizations of integral analog of the Leibniz rule on the $G$-convolutions. Extracta Math.. 1991;6:119-122.Edit
[2007-16] On a progress in the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform theory and related integral operators .
On the Mehler-Fock transform in $L_p$-space. Math. Nachr.. 1997;185:261-277.Edit
On some Rajchman measures and equivalent Salem's problem. Commun. Math. Anal.. 2013;14:28-41.
$L_2$-interpretation of the Kontorovich-Lebedev integrals. Int. J. Pure Appl. Math.. 2008;42:99-110.
On the Watson $L_2$-theory for index transforms II. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2010;21:663-673.
The Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation on Sobolev type spaces. Sarajevo J. Math.. 2005;1(14):211-234.