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Articles in international peer reviewed journals
Yakubovich SB. A constructive method for constructing integral convolutions. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR. 1990;34:588-591, 666.
Mendes MA, Gaio A., Reis R, Duarte R. Contact screening in tuberculosis: can we identify those with higher risk? The European Respiratory Journal. 2013;41(3):758-60.Edit
Mendes M., Gaio A., Reis R., Duarte R.. Contact screening in tuberculosis: Can we identify those with higher risk? European Respiratory Journal. 2013;41:758-760.Edit
Freitas JM. Continuity of SRB measure and entropy for Benedicks-Carleson quadratic maps. Nonlinearity. 2005;18:831-854.
Alves JF, Oliveira K, Tahzibi A. On the continuity of the SRB entropy for endomorphisms. J. Stat. Phys.. 2006;123:763-785.Edit
Silva MC. Contribuição para o estudo do manuscrito Arte de Marear de Juan Pérez de Moya. LLULL. 2012;35(76):351-379.Edit
Carvalho M. Contributions to a rigidity conjecture. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 1998;53:265-295.
Bessa M, Rocha J. Contributions to the geometric and ergodic theory of conservative flows. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2013;33:1709-1731.
Basto-Gonçalves J. Control of a neoclassic economic model. Portugal. Math.. 1988;45:417-428.
Basto-Gonçalves J. Controllability in codimension one. J. Differential Equations. 1987;68:1-9.
Davydov A., Basto-Gonçalves J. Controllability of generic inequalities near singular points. J. Dynam. Control Systems. 2001;7:77-99.Edit
Davydov A., Basto-Gonçalves J. Controllability of inequalities at 2-singular points. Uspekhi Mat. Nauk. 2000;55:121-122.Edit
Freitas AC, Freitas JM, Magalhães MA. Convergence of Marked Point Processes of Excesses for Dynamical Systems. Journal of the European Mathematical Society. In Press.
d'Almeida FD, Vasconcelos PB. Convergence of Multipower Defect-Correction for spectral computations of integral operators. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2012;219:1601-1606.
Freitas JM, Haydn N, Nicol M. Convergence of rare event point processes to the Poisson process for planar billiards. Nonlinearity. 2014;27:1669-1687.Edit
Conde-Sousa E, Aguiar P. Conversion from spatial patterns of activity to sequences of neuronal activations using gate interneurons. BMC Neuroscience. 2013;14:P3.
Yakubovich SB. On the convolution for the Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation and its applications to integral equations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR. 1987;31:101-103, 188.
Yakubovich SB. Convolution Hilbert spaces associated with the Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation. Thai J. Math.. 2003;1:9-16.
Raina R., Yakubovich SB, Saigo M. On convolution integrals associated with $H$-transforms. J. Fract. Calc.. 1997;11:53-65.Edit
Srivastava H., Yakubovich SB, Luchko Y.. The convolution method for the development of new Leibniz rules involving fractional derivatives and of their integral analogues. Integral Transform. Spec. Funct.. 1993;1:119-134.Edit
Rodrigues M., Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. A convolution operator related to the generalized Mehler-Fock and Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms. Results Math.. 2013;63:511-528.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Britvina LE. Convolution operators related to the Fourier cosine and Kontorovich-Lebedev transformations. Results Math.. 2009;55:175-197.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Britvina LE. A convolution related to the inverse Kontorovich-Lebedev transform. Sarajevo J. Math.. 2007;3(16):215-232.Edit
Fisher B, Yakubovich SB, Telci M.. Convolutions and neutrix convolution in connection with the incomplete gamma function. Rad. Mat.. 2002;11:37-47.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Hai NT, Buschman R.. Convolutions for $H$-function transformations. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math.. 1992;23:743-752.Edit
