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A restricted mixture model for dietary pattern analysis in small samples. Stat. Med.. 2012;31:2137-2150.Edit
Respiratory rate estimation from multilead directions, based on ECG delineation. In: 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC).; 2016. 3. p. 3813-3816p. Edit
Reset Regular Decomposition Complexity of Regular Ideal Languages (extended Abstract). In: Proceedings of 14th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science.; 2013. 3. p. 30-35p.
Reset Regular Decomposition Complexity of Regular Ideal Languages (extended Abstract). In: Proceedings of 14th Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science.; 2013. 3. p. 30-35p.
Repelling dynamics near a Bykov cycle. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 2013.
[2013-1] Repelling Dynamics near a Bykov cycle .Edit
Removing zero Lyapunov exponents in volume-preserving flows. Nonlinearity. 2007;20:1007-1016.
A remark on the topological stability of symplectomorphisms. Appl. Math. Lett.. 2012;25:163-165.
Reliability Loss with Sampling Rate Reduction. In: International Conference on Computing in Cardiology. Vol 42.; 2015. 6. p. 689-692p. Edit
Regular score tests of independence in multivariate extreme values. Extremes. 2005;8:5-26.Edit
Regular Ideal Languages and Synchronizing Automata. In: Combinatorics on Words, WORDS 2013. Vol LNCS, 8079.; 2013. 2. p. 205-216p.
Regular Ideal Languages and Synchronizing Automata. In: Combinatorics on Words, WORDS 2013. Vol LNCS, 8079.; 2013. 2. p. 205-216p.
Reduced commutative monoids with two Archimedean components. Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8). 2000;3:471-484.Edit
[2006-14] Recursive computation of the Frobenius-Padé approximants: theory, stability and conditioning .Edit
Recognizing Synchronizing Automata with Finitely Many Minimal Synchronizing Words is PSPACE-Complete. In: Computability in Europe, CiE 2011. Vol LNCS, 6735.; 2011. 2. p. 230-238p. Edit
[2006-1] The Reaction of Stock Markets to Crashes and Events: A Comparison Study between Emerging and Mature .Edit
Random walks on semaphore codes and delay de Bruijn semigroups. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2016;26(4):635-673.Edit