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The concept of Metal-Insulator-Metal nanostructures as Adaptive Neural Networks. U. Porto Journal of Engineering. 2017;3:1-10.Edit
Secondary bifurcations in systems with All-to-All coupling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Ser. A . 2003;459:1-18.Edit
On the enumeration of periodic patterns of synchrony via finite bidirectional networks. Proceedings A of the Royal Society of London. 2010;466:891-910.Edit
Heterodimensional cycles, partial hyperbolicity and limit dynamics. Fund. Math.. 2002;174:127-186.Edit
Strange attractors in saddle-node cycles: prevalence and globality. Invent. Math.. 1996;125:37-74.Edit
How do hyperbolic homoclinic classes collide at heterodimensional cycles? Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.. 2007;17:589-627.Edit
Skew product cycles with rich dynamics: from totally non-hyperbolic dynamics to fully prevalent hyperbolicity. Dyn. Syst.. 2016;31:1-40.Edit
Non-critical saddle-node cycles and robust non-hyperbolic dynamics. Dynam. Stability Systems. 1997;12:109-135.Edit
Large measure of hyperbolic dynamics when unfolding heteroclinic cycles. Nonlinearity. 1997;10:857-884.Edit
Partially hyperbolic and transitive dynamics generated by heteroclinic cycles. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2001;21:25-76.Edit
Nonconnected heterodimensional cycles: bifurcation and stability. Nonlinearity. 1992;5:1315-1341.Edit
Equations over free inverse monoids with idempotent variables. Theory Comput. Syst.. 2017;61(2):494-520.Edit
Investigação em Educação Matemática: Raciocínio matemático Sociedade Portuguesa de Investigação em Educação Matemática 2013.Edit
Logaritmos em Portugal (sécs. XVII e XVIII). In: 6º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática. Vol Anais/Actas do 6º Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de História da Matemática. Sociedade Brasileira de História da Matemática ed. Brasil, São João d'El-Rei: Sociedade Brasileira de História da Matemática; 2014. 2. p. 241-269p. Edit
Intrinsic vs. spurious long-range memory in high-frequency records of environmental radioactivity. The European Physical Journal. 2015;224:741-762.Edit
The braid and the Shi arrangements and the Pak–Stanley labelling. European Journal of Combinatorics. 2015;50:72-86.Edit
A Famous Identity of Hajós in Terms of Sets. J. Integer Seq.. 2014;17:Article 14.9.1, 10.Edit
Note on the convolution of binomial coefficients. J. Integer Seq.. 2013;16:Article 13.7.6, 9.Edit
Between Shi and Ish. Discrete Mathematics. 2017;341 (2018):388-399.Edit