Advanced School on Recent Developments in Large Scale Scientific Computing


Faculdade Engenharia da Universidade do Porto

Date and time: 

July 3, 2001

1. Iterative methods for large linear systems: from the theory to the computer I & II, J-M. Chesneaux
2. Enhancing performance, measurement tools, and the numerical libraries, J. Dongarra
3. High performance computing and trends and the computational grid, J. Dongarra
4. Introduction to sparsity and sparse direct methods, I. Duff
5. Multifrontal methods and their parallel implementation, I. Duff
6. Algorithms for the solution of large scale eigenvalue problems, O. Marques
7. A beginner's guide to parallel computation, F. Moura
8. Solving the Poisson equation on a cluster of machines using message passing, O. Oliveira
9. Fast and highly accurate computation of the SVD and related problems, R. Ralha

Application Lectures
1. Iterative refinement schemes for two families of numerical approximations of the radiative transfer equation, M. Ahues
2. Large scale second order optimization, A. Azevedo
3. Design and implementation of interior-point algorithms for the solution of structured optimization problems, J. Júdice
4. A physical model for the internal structure of the Earth, O. Marques
5. Large linear systems in lattice QCD, O. Oliveira
6. Solution by nonstationary iterative methods of linear systems arising from CFD, J. Palma