Autoduality and Fourier-Mukai for compactified Jacobians

Room 0.30
Friday, 27 January, 2017 - 14:30

Among abelian varieties, Jacobians of smooth projective curves C have the important property of being autodual, i.e., they are canonically isomorphic to their dual abelian varieties. This is equivalent to the existence of a Poincaré line bundle P on J(C)×J(C) which is universal as a family of algebraically trivial line bundles on J(C). A yet other instance of this fact was discovered by S. Mukai, who proved that the Fourier-Mukai transform with kernel P is an auto-equivalence of the bounded derived category of J(C). I will talk on joint work with Filippo Viviani and Antonio Rapagnetta, where we try to generalize both the autoduality result and Mukai’s equivalence result for singular reducible curves X with locally planar singularities. Our results generalize previous work of Arinkin, Esteves, Gagné, Kleiman and can be seen as an instance of the geometric Langlands duality for the Hitchin fibration.


Margarida Melo


Universidade de Coimbra / Università Roma Tre