Combinatorial aspects of Escher Tilings

room 0.03
Tuesday, 17 November, 2009 - 16:00

When Maurits Cornelis Escher started to produce astonishing tesselations of the plane in the late 30's, very few properties were known about theses. The ``simplest" tesselations make use of just one polygon or tile for tiling the entire plane, and the polygons that tile the plane by translation are characterized by a simple property due to Beauquier and Nivat (1991) stating that the border $b(P)$ of such a polygon may be factorized as $b(P) = ABC\hat(A) \hat(B)\hat(C)$. This equation maybe naturally translated in an equation on words, that led to the discovery of new classes of polyominoes, connected to the Fibonacci sequence and the Pell sequence.


Srecko Brlek (Université du Québec à Montréal )