Erasmus+ MoMaTrE (Mobile Math Trails in Europe)

Our aim in this project is to develop mobile math trails in Europe (MoMaTrE) which provides materials and methodology on one hand for teachers to create outdoor math activities easily for their classes and on the other hand for lecturers to create courses for teacher student to teach them how to enrich their future classes with mobile math activities.
Derivatives from the project are:
- Two mobile applications, one for walking math trails and one for creating math trails. The mobile apps will be provided to students, teachers or people who like to discover math in their environment or foreign cities.
- A long-term curriculum for a seminar/course for university students
- A short-term curriculum for summer schools (mainly for in-service teachers)
- Furthermore we will develop an interactive web portal which provides athoring tools to easily and fast create math trails. The web portal also allows interaction between users for a community aspect of working together and sharing tasks among the users..
- The catalogue of generic tasks, a collection of generic tasks which can be found outside and be adapted to the needs of the users. This supports the interactive webportal with lots of ideas for mathematical problems.



Start date: 

Friday, 1 September, 2017


Ana Moura

Funding entity: 

Erasmus+ (UE)

Project reference: 
