Hamiltonian spaces for Courant algebroids

Anfiteatro 0.04, Departamento de Matemática Pura, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto.
Thursday, 29 January, 2009 - 14:30

We study Hamiltonian spaces associated with pairs $(E,A)$, where $E$ is a Courant algebroid and $A\subset E$ is a Dirac structure. These spaces are defined in terms of morphisms of Courant algebroids with suitable compatibility conditions. Several of their properties are discussed, including a reduction procedure. This set-up encompasses familiar moment map theories, such as group-valued moment maps, and it provides an intrinsic approach from which different geometrical descriptions of moment maps can be naturally derived.


David Iglesias Ponte , Instituto de Matemáticas y Física Fundamental (Madrid)