Jorge Almeida's Annual Report

Jorge Almeida's Annual Report



Brief description of the research activities: 

Pursued work on pseudovarieties of semigroups, mainly using profinite techniques. The main results are the following:

  • conditions for the faithful action of a relatively free profinite semigroup on its minimum ideal; this yields several applications in terms of join irreducibility and order primitivity of pseudovarieties of semigroups, including the Krohn-Rhodes pseudovarieties, thereby solving a problem proposed by Rhodes and Steinberg (joint work with O. Klíma);
  • a geometric interpretation of the Schützenberger group of a minimal subshift, namely as an inverse limit of the profinite completions of the fundamental groups of the Rauzy graphs of the subshift (joint with A. Costa);
  • a transfer decidability result for pseudovarieties corresponding to varieties of languages of the form Δn in FO[<] quantifier alternation hierarchy (joint with J. Bartoňová, O. Klíma, and M. Kunc); 
  • conditions for complete κ-reducibility of pseudovarieties of semigroups of the form DRH (the regular R-classes are groups from a given pseudovariety of groups H), which apply in particular to the case of the pseudovariety DRAb, where Ab is the pseudovariety of all finite Abelian groups (joint work with C. Borlido);
  • computation of the closure of rational language in the pro-nilpotent group topology of a free group (joint work with M.H. Shahzamanian and B. Steinberg);
  • computation of the rank and of basis of pseudoidentities for pseudovarieties of semigroups defined by several Mal'cev-type nilpotency conditions (joint work with M.H. Shahzamanian);
  • reducibility with respect to natural signatures of pointlike and idempotent pointlike problems for the pseudovarieties of all finite semigroups whose subgroups are π-groups, for a fixed set π of primes, and of all finite semigroups whose regular J-classes are products of rectangular bands with groups from a fixed pseudovariety of groups (joint work with J. C. Costa and M. Zeitoun).

Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Communications in national conferences

How many alternations of quantifiers are really needed?
Jorge Almeida
Invited talk
Host institution:
University of Minho
Location / City:

Communications in international conferences

The finite basis and finite rank properties for pseudovarieties of semigroups
Name of the event:
AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting 2015 - Special Session on Algebraic Theory of Semigroups and Applications
Jorge Almeida
Invited talk
10.06.2015 to 13.06.2015
Host institution:
University of Porto
Location / City:

Organization of scientific meetings: 


Member of Program Committee

Name of the event: 

AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting 2015

start and end date: 

June 10, 2015 to June 13, 2015

Host institution: 

University of Porto



Location / City: 



Member of Program Committee

Name of the event: 

Conference "Jewels of Automata: from Mathematics to Applications" (AutoMathA 2015)

start and end date: 

May 6, 2015 to May 9, 2015

Host institution: 

University of Leipzig



Location / City: 


Prizes / Distinctions: 

"Best paper award" at 19th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2015) for joint paper with J. Bartoňová, O. Klíma, and M. Kunc, entitled "On decidability of intermediate levels of concatenation hierarchies". The paper was presented by M. Kunc.

(See, page V, or

Work visits: 

Visit to LaBRI, Université of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, 27/6 to 4/7/2015, within a bilateral project on "Separation in Automata Theory: algebraic aspects" (Pessoa Program).

Visit to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 1 to 19/9/2015. Visit partially funded by a project of the host institution.

Visit to Institut für Formale Methoden der Informatik, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany, 7 to 14/12/2015, within bilateral project on "Separation Techniques in Automata Theory" (DAAD Program).