Jorge Milhazes Freitas's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
We studied the extremal behaviour of billiards proving the convergence of Rare Events Point Processes to the Poisson Process for billiard systems with both exponential and polynomial decay of correlations. We also studied the rates of convergence to the asymptotic extremal limiting distribution obtaining a connection with escape rates for open systems.
Articles in international peer reviewed journals :
Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals:
Communications in international conferences :
Name of the event:
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Name of the event:
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Name of the event:
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Communications in national conferences:
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Organization of scientific meetings:
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Student Mentoring:
Outreach activities:
Leis de acontecimentos raros em Dinâmica Caótica, documentário para a série de documentários da RTP intitulada: 100 Segundos de Ciência, Março de 2014.
Prizes / Distinctions:
Prize of best teacher of the year 2013-2014 of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto, for teaching the first year course of Mathematics and Biostatistics.
Work visits:
Centre de Physique Théorique, Universidade de Luminy, Marselha, França, de Junho a Agosto de 2014.