Maria Carvalho's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
Study of generic properties of reversible area-preserving diffeomorphisms.
Articles in international peer reviewed journals :
Papers in national peer reviewed journals :
Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals:
Maria Carvalho
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Seminars given (at CMUP):
Student Mentoring:
Ana Cristina Oliveira, Experimental Mathematics, 2013
Maria Leonor Abreu Mendes de Oliveira, Elasticity and Shape, 2013
Outreach activities:
Supervisor of João Nuno Lourenço under the Gulbenkian Foundation Program «New Talents in Mathematics». Co-author of two articles published at a regular column the Atractor Association keeps at Gazeta de Matemática. Author of a project for the Summer School at the Mathematics Department - FCUP.