Maria João Rodrigues's Annual Report

Maria João Rodrigues's Annual Report



Brief description of the research activities: 

Consolidate research on the Tau method to solve differential problems, namely
• development of formulas for efficient computation of matrices associated with the operators in order to avoid similarity transformations and consequent application;
• application of the Tau method using Frobenius-Padé approximations to the calculation of function singularities;
• generalization to other types of operators.

Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Organization of scientific meetings: 



Name of the event: 

III Iberian Modelling Week

start and end date: 

April 11, 2016 to April 15, 2016

Host institution: 




Location / City: 


Outreach activities: 

Co- organization of the cycle of seminars "Retratos de Empregabilidade":

1 - “Unraveling the Genetic Component in Male Infertility: Some Analysis Challenges”, Alexandra M. Lopes (researcher I3S Instituto de Investigação e Inovação da UPORTO), 22 fevereiro 2016.
2 - "Matemática e Indústria: Parcerias de Sucesso", Manuel Cruz (Professor Adjunto no Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto), 9 março 2016.
3 - "Impossible Is Not A Fact: When Math Meets Behaviour", Manuel Gonçalves, Joana Rocha e Lara Lacerda, 14 março 2016.
4 - "SprayImageMobile e outras ligações entre Eng. Matemática e Eng. Agronómica", André Marçal e Mário Cunha, 4 abril 2016.
5 - "Maths as the top job",Raul Coutinho Garrido, Carlos Rodrigues e Nuno Martins, 17 de novembro 2016.