Nelma Moreira's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
With S. Broda, A. Machiavelo, and R. Reis: study of average case complexity of Glushkov and Equation Automata for KAT Expressions
With J. Bell, J.Brzozowski, and R. Reis:study the quotient complexity of boolean operations over languages which syntatc semigroups are symmetric groups.
With E. Maia and R. Reis: study of the worst-case operational transition and state complexity on incomplete deterministic finite automata for finite languages
With D. Pereira and S. Sousa: formalization of decidability procedures for equivalence of Kleene Albegra with Tests expressions in the Coq
proof assistant.
External projects:
AVIACC:Análise e Verificação de Programas Concorrentes Críticos, FCT PTDC/EIA-CCO/117590/2010. Researcher.
CANTE: Descriptional and computational complexity of formal languages. FCT PTDC/EIA-CCO/101904/2008. Researcher.
Proceedings classified as book chapters (peer reviewed):
Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals:
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Organization of scientific meetings:
Name of the event:
start and end date:
Location / City:
Name of the event:
start and end date:
Location / City:
Name of the event:
start and end date:
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Organization of regular seminars:
Seminar "Voices of Cante", in the scope of the CANTE project
(organized with S. Broda , A. Machiavelo, and Rogério Reis), : (
Computational applications:
FAdo: Tools for manipulation of formal languages (
DesCo:Web based system for descriptional complexity results on formal languages (