Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems and Their Pullback Attractors

Room M031. Coffee is served after the talk (15h30-16h00).
Friday, 15 March, 2013 - 14:30

The study of the long-time behavior of solutions to nonautonomous differential equations from the point of view of a dynamical system can be based on the notion of a pullback attractor, which plays a similar role as the global attractor in autonomous dynamical systems. In this lecture I will present this notion and variations of its definition. Moreover, I will formulate the theorem on the existence of a pullback attractor if the evolution process is a family of closed operators. The abstract result will be given in the context of the smoothing properties of the process and for pullback attractors attracting a given universe, i.e., a chosen class of possibly time-dependent families of sets. An application of the result to nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations will be also presented.

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Radosław Czaja (CAMGSD & IST)