Rogério Reis's Annual Report

Rogério Reis's Annual Report



Brief description of the research activities: 

With S. Broda, A. Machiavelo, and N. Moreira: study of average case complexity of Glushkov and Equation Automata for KAT Expressions

With J. Bell, J.Brzozowski, and N. Moreira:study the qutient complexity of boolean operations over languages which syntatc semigroups are symmetric groups.

With E. Maia and N. Moreira: study of the worst-case operational transition and state complexity on incomplete deterministic finite automata for finite languages

Projects description: 




Articles in international peer reviewed journals : 

Proceedings of international conferences (peer reviewed): 

Proceedings classified as book chapters (peer reviewed): 

Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Computational applications: 

FAdo: Tools for manipulation of formal languages ( <>)

DesCo:Web based system for descriptional complexity results on formal languages ( <>)

Student Mentoring: 
