Rogério Reis's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
With S. Broda, A. Machiavelo and N. Moreira: new algorithms for deciding the equivalence of Kleene algrebra with tests expressions
With C. Campeanu and N. Moreira: study of the distinguishability operation on regular languages, considering closure properties and state complexity
With G. Pighizzini and N. Moreira: study the descriptional complexity of "don't care"automata
With E. Maia and N. Moreira: structural characterazition of partial derivative automata and its relationship with the bisimilarity of the position automata.
With S.Konstantinidis and N.Moreira: implementation of of manipulation modules for transducers and code properties.
With I.Amorim and A.Machiavelo: pursue the study of invertible automata in vector spaces.
Articles in international peer reviewed journals :
Proceedings of international conferences (peer reviewed):
Proceedings classified as book chapters (peer reviewed):
Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals:
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Seminars given (at CMUP):
Organization of scientific meetings:
Name of the event:
Computational applications:
Implementation of modules supporting tranducers and pcode properties in FAdo.
Student Mentoring:
Work visits:
During the month of February of 2014 was invited professor at the Dipartimento di Informatica dela Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy, by invitation of Prof. Giovanni Pighizzini.
During the month of April of 2014 was invited professor at the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Prince Edward Island Edward's Island, Canada, by invitation of Prof. Cezar Campeanu.
During the month of April of 2014 was invited professor at the Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, by invitation of Prof. Stavros Konstantinidis.