Rute Alexandra Borges de Almeida's Annual Report

Rute Alexandra Borges de Almeida's Annual Report



Brief description of the research activities: 

Work was developed regarding 4 main research lines, as briefly explained below.
Development and validation of tools for biomedical signal processing. Enhancement of the QRS detection method for performance improvement in no-stationary conditions (stress test case), in collaboration with the University of Zaragoza, by optimizing the parameter values. Results were presented in the International Conference Computing in Cardiology 2014 (CinC2014), and published in the respective proceedings.
Monitoring and data analysis in intensive care. Continued to collect and preprocess data from patients admitted in the pediatric intensive care unit of Hospital S. João (Porto) in order to increase the signal and series database of brain injured (BI) patients. Long memory and heterocedasticity of beat-to-beat RR series from pediatric patients with BI were studied using ARFIMA-GARCH models allowing to conclude that both long memory and time-varying conditional variance parameters estimated are able to discriminate in an early timing between the patients that died from those that survived. Differences found were reported at CinC2014 and published in the respective proceedings. Additionally was made an open communication at Cardiotechnix 2014, 25-25 October 2014, Rome Italy (AP Rocha, R Almeida, Arfima-Garch Modelling of HRV: Application to Critical Illness). A PIM project “Projecto de Investigação em Matemática” of the PDMA “Programa Doutoral em Matemática Aplicada” from DMAT/FCUP provisory entitled “Auxiliary Prognostic Indexes in Critical Illness” was proposed and developed by the PhD student António Paulo Sousa, under my orientation and co-orientation of Ana Paula Rocha (DMAT-FCUP/CMUP). This project aims to define a research path to follow in the next 3 years aiming: to study and model ECG derived measures and other standard parameters used in the monitoring of the critically ill patients, over different degrees of neurologic disruption; identify and select variables to include in prognostic statistical models; assess the reproducibility and agreement of both parameters and proposed indexes using statistical measures and evaluate the effectiveness / reliability of the developed indexes using real clinical data.
Signal Processing in Obstetrics. The new wavelet based methodology for fetal QRS location over abdominal maternal recordings was enhanced and validated on the datasets provide by the Noninvasive Fetal ECG: the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2013 and other public available data. A full was published in a focus issue: Noninvasive Fetal ECG of the journal “Physiological Measurement”.
Automatic analysis of high resolution satellite data. A multivariate model based in Independent Component Analysis (ICA) for estimate the bathymetric value Douro River estuary (Porto, Portugal) from an IKONOS-2 image was developed and validated, outperforming previously published approaches. Results obtained were reported at the Conference on Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology, part of SPIE Remote Sensing 2014 and published in the respective proceedings.

External projects: 

Title: Procesado de señal orientado por la fisiología para manejo personalizado del riesgo cardiovascular y guiado de procedimientos invasivos. (TEC2013-42140-R, CICYT/FEDER, Spain)
Coordinator/ Institution: Juan Pablo Martínez Cortez / I3A, Universidade de Zaragoza (Spain)
Other institutions: Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería en Aragón (Spain)
Centre de Recerca d’Enginyeria Biomédica (CREB) (Spain)
Universitat Potécnica de Catalunya (Spain)
Hospital Clínico Universitario “Lozano Blesa” de Zaragoza (Spain)
Hospital Miguel Servet de Zaragoza (Spain)
Lund University (Sweden)
Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Title: Evaluation of changes in ventricular repolarization and its relationship with heart rate during bed-rest experiments. (AO-09-BR European Space Agency) Coordinator/ Institution: Enrico G. Caiani, Politecnico di Milano (Italia); Other participating institutions: GTC/I3A - UZ (Spain), CIBER-BBN (Spain), University of Bologna (Italy), Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux Université Paris Sud. (France)

Title: Evaluation of changes in cardiac repolarization during bed rest experiments. (AO-06-BR-08 European Space Agency) Coordinator/ Institution: Enrico G. Caiani, Politecnico di Milano (Italia); Other participating institutions: GTC/I3A - UZ (Spain), CIBER-BBN (Spain), Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 (France), Université Paris Sud. (France)

Title: CIBER en bioingeniería, biomateriales y nanomedicina (CIBER-BBN) (Financiated by Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain) Coordinator/ Institution: Pablo Laguna Lasaosa, GTC/I3A - UZ e Ciber – BBN (Spain); Other participating institutions: 50 Spanish research groups, 47 of which are full members and 3 of which are associates.

Title: Grupo Consolidado BSICoS (T-96, DGA, Aragón, Spain, and European Social Fund - EU).
Coordinator/ Institution: Pablo Laguna / GTC, Universidade de Zaragoza (Spain)
Other institutions: Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería en Aragón (Spain)

Title: QT-bed: Evaluation of changes in ventricular repolarization and its relationship with heart rate during long-term bed rest
(AO-13-BR-14 European Space Agency - Annoucemet of Opportunity for Life Science Research Using the Human Spaceflight Analogue “Bed Rest” )
Coordinator/ Institution: Enrico G. Caiani / Politecnico di Milano
Other institutions: Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón (Spain)
Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
University of Bologna (Italy
Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux
Université Paris Sud. (France)

Articles in international peer reviewed journals : 

Proceedings of international conferences (peer reviewed): 

Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals: 

Rute Alexandra Borges de Almeida

Communications in international conferences : 


David Hernando
Raquel Bailón
Rute Almeida
A Hernandez


QRS Detection Optimization in Stress Test Recordings Using Evolutionary Algorithms

Name of the event: 

Computing in Cardiology

Start and end date: 

Sunday, 7 September, 2014 to Wednesday, 10 September, 2014

Location / City: 

Boston, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Ana Paula Rocha
Rute Almeida
Argentina Leite
Marta João Silva
Maria Eduarda Silva


Long-term HRV in critically ill pediatric patients: comma versus brain death

Name of the event: 

Computing in Cardiology

Start and end date: 

Sunday, 7 September, 2014 to Wednesday, 10 September, 2014

Location / City: 

Boston, Cambridge, Massachusetts.




Ana Paula Rocha
Rute Almeida


Arfima-Garch Modelling of HRV: Application to Critical Illness (Open communication)

Name of the event: 

Cardiotechnix 2014

Start and end date: 

Saturday, 25 October, 2014 to Sunday, 26 October, 2014

Location / City: 




Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Como bate o coração no espaço?
Name of the event:
Dias Abertos da FCUP
Rute Almeida
Location / City:

Organization of scientific meetings: 



Name of the event: 

CMUP- WORKSHOP on Signal Processing and Data Analysis: paulo“Point Process Models of Heartbeat Dynamics”, by Riccardo Barbieri

start and end date: 

December 12, 2014



Location / City: 


Organization of regular seminars: 

“Flexible modeling of the screening problem”, by Sandra Ramos from Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa (CEAUL) and ISEP, 26th June 2014, in the framework of the Seminar Series in Statistics, Modeling and Computational Applications.

Student Mentoring: 

António Paulo Castro Monteiro de Sousa, Auxiliary Prognostic Indexes in Critical Illness, 2017

Editorial activities: 

Collaboration as reviewer with the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’14), taking place 26-30 August 21014, at Chicago, EUA. Collaboration as reviewer with the following scientific journals:Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Systems and Circuits, Physiological Measurement, Biomedical Signal Processing & Control, International Journal of Computational Methods, Computers in Biology and Medicine, Healthcare Technology Letters and Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.

Prizes / Distinctions: 

Nominee as one of the best 2014 reviewers of the IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics