Samuel Lopes's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
Computation of the depth of a half quantum group (Taft algebra) in its Drinfeld double. Generalizations of Maschke’s theorem for Hopf algebras were investigated.
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Communications in international conferences
Organization of scientific meetings:
Name of the event:
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Host institution:
Location / City:
Name of the event:
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Organization of regular seminars:
Co-organizer of CMUP's Algebra, Combinatorics and Number Theory Seminar.
Outreach activities:
Author of preface and scientific revisor of the portuguese edition of the book Flatland, Porto Editora, 2016.
Co-organizer (with A. Machiavelo and H. Mena Matos) of CMUP/FCUP's Escola de Verão de Matemática 2016, 5-9 September 2016,
Organizer of Math Department's Open Days (Dias Abertos) 18-19 February 2016.
Outreach talks:
- Matemática e Navegação, ES Boa Nova - Leça da Palmeira, 25 de janeiro de 2016
- Tarde de Matemática da SPM, Braga, Biblioteca Lúcio Craveiro da Silva, 27 de fevereiro de 2016
- Grafos e aplicações, Escola Secundaria Filipa de Vilhena, 16 de março de 2016.
- Grafos: aplicações às ciências sociais e humanas, ProfMat 2016, 30 de março de 2016.
- Os processos experimentais no Ensino/Aprendizagem das Ciências, III Encontro Internacional da Casa das Ciências, 12 de julho de 2016.
- Curso de 3 horas na Escola Secundária de Ermesinde, no âmbito do encontro "saberes cruzados", 7 de outubro de 2016.
- Outreach activity “007, Ordem para Codificar”, integrated in Úniversidade Júnior.
Work visits:
Work visit to University of Kent-Canterbury, 6-12 May 2016, to collaborate with Stéphane Launois, Andrew Kitchin and Brendan Nolan.
Reports for Math Reviews (MathSciNet).
Referee for Journal of Mathematical Physics, SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications), Annali dell'Universitá di Ferrara and Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
Coordinator of FCUP's scientific revision and certification team for Mathematics school textbooks.