Sofia Castro's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
- study of stability of cycles in heteroclinic networks
- construction of simple heteroclinic networks in R4
- complex dynamics in the Rock-Scissors-Paper game in replicator dynamics
- study of industry location for a finite number of regions
- study of the symmetries of projected patterns, including bifurcations
- study of macreconomic dynamics
Articles in international peer reviewed journals :
Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals:
Liliana Garrido-da-Silva, Discrete dynamics for the core-periphery model, Spatial Economic Analysis, 10.1080/17421772.2014.992361
Articles accepted for publication in peer reviewed proceedings:
Begoña Alarcón, Discrete Symmetric Planar Dynamics, Mathematics of Planet Earth, Mathematics of Planet Earth, CIM Mathematical Sciences CIM-MS
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Stability of cycles in heteroclinic networks
Name of the event:
Dynamical Systems Seminars at Imperial College London
Location / City:
Seminars given (at CMUP):
Student Mentoring:
André Almeida, Dinâmica multidimensional em crescimento endógeno, 2014
Work visits:
Visited Profs. Yuzuru Sato and Sebastian van Strien at Imperial College London, UK, March 2014 (one week).