Some remarks on the Mumford-Welters connection

Room 1.22
Friday, 17 March, 2017 (All day)

Mumford introduced in the 1960ies an algebraic approach to the construction of (almost) canonical bases of sections of ample line bundles on abelian varieties that permitted him to construct quasi-projective moduli spaces. His construction was later re-interpreted by Welters as a flat projective connection before being generalized by Hitchin to the non-abelian setting.

In this talk (part of joint work in progress with Michele Bolognesi, Johan Martens and Christian Pauly) I will present some facts concerning the Mumford-Welters connection in the context of an abelianization problem for certain non-abelian theta functions.


Thomas Baier


Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa / CAMGSD