All information about a symbolic dynamical system X is contained in the lan- guage L(X) of its finite blocks. In formal language theory, the syntactic semigroup of a language often plays an important role. Here we consider the syntactic semigroup S(X) of L(X), and more precisely, a finite category built from it, the Karoubi envelope K(X) of S(X). We prove that, up to natural equivalence of categories, K(X) is invariant under flow equivalence. Several flow equivalence invariants — some new and some old — are obtained from K (X ). Another application concerns the classification of Markov-Dyck symbolic dynamical systems: it is shown that, under mild conditions, two graphs define flow equivalent Markov-Dyck systems if and only if they are isomorphic. This is joint work with Benjamin Steinberg.
Syntactic invariants of flow equivalence of symbolic dynamical systems
Room M031. Coffee with the speaker is served after the talk (15h30-16h00).
Friday, 19 July, 2013 - 13:30
Alfredo Costa (FCTUC - CMUC)