Syntactic invariants of flow equivalence of symbolic dynamical systems

Room M031. Coffee with the speaker is served after the talk (15h30-16h00).
Friday, 19 July, 2013 - 13:30

All information about a symbolic dynamical system X is contained in the lan- guage L(X) of its finite blocks. In formal language theory, the syntactic semigroup of a language often plays an important role. Here we consider the syntactic semigroup S(X) of L(X), and more precisely, a finite category built from it, the Karoubi envelope K(X) of S(X). We prove that, up to natural equivalence of categories, K(X) is invariant under flow equivalence. Several flow equivalence invariants — some new and some old — are obtained from K (X ). Another application concerns the classification of Markov-Dyck symbolic dynamical systems: it is shown that, under mild conditions, two graphs define flow equivalent Markov-Dyck systems if and only if they are isomorphic. This is joint work with Benjamin Steinberg.

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Alfredo Costa (FCTUC - CMUC)