Date and time:
Registration – 10h
Tribute Ceremony to Pascal Maroni 10h 30m
Director of DM-FCUP Professor João Nuno Tavares
Analysis area of CMUP Professors Semyon Yakubovich and Sílvio Gama
Scientific Activities of Pascal Maroni by Zélia da Rocha (DM-FCUP, Porto) 10h 45m
José Luís Cardoso (DM-UTAD, Vila Real) 11h 00m
Kenier Castillo (CMUC, Coimbra) 11h 10m
Coffee Break 11h 15m – 11h 30m
Interview to Pascal Maroni directed by Kenier Castillo and Zélia da Rocha 11h 30m -12h 30m
Lunch 12h 30m – 14h 30m (Circulo Universitário do Porto)
Francisco J. García-Pacheco (UCA, Cadiz, Spain) 14h 30m – 15h
Miguel Tierz (GFM, ULisboa) 15h - 15h 30m
Manuel Guerra (ISEG, CMAPRE, ULisboa) 15h 30m – 16h
Ruben Sousa (CMUP, Porto) 16h – 16h 30m
Coffee Break 16h 30m – 17h
Kenier Castillo (CMUC, Coimbra) 17h - 17h 30m
Zélia da Rocha (DM-FCUP, Porto) 17h 30m – 18h
Closing 18h
Organized by
Kenier Castillo
Zélia da Rocha
Supported by DM-FCUP, CMUP, CMUC and FCT.