Rogério Reis's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
- With G.Pighizzini and N.Moreira studied the complexity of two language operations that can be expressed by suitable combining complement with
concatenation and star.
- With E. Maia and N.Moreira studied and developed new conversion methods from regular expressions to equivalent non-deterministic finite automata
- With S. Broda, A. Machiavelo and N.Moreira extended the partial derivative automaton to the shuffle operation and study the average state complexity within the framework of analytic combinatorics
- With R. Bastos, S. Broda, A. Machiavelo and N.Moreira extended derivative based methods to intersection and complement
- With S. Konstantinidis and N.Moreira extended FAdo capabilities by implementing methods to manipulate transducers and we go one level higher than existing formal language systems and implement methods to manipulate objects representing classes of independent languages (widely known as code properties).
- With A.Machiavelo studied leaner methods to achieve asymptotic evaluation of series with positive integer coeficients.
- With J.Sakarovitch S.Lombardi and N.Moreira, development of the Vaucanson-r rational symbolic manipulation system.
Seminars and courses given at CMUP or conferences:
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Communications in international conferences
Organization of scientific meetings:
Name of the event:
start and end date:
Host institution:
Location / City:
Name of the event:
start and end date:
Host institution:
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Outreach activities:
FAdo -tools for formal languages manipulation V.1.2
Work visits:
University of Charles, Prague, Czech Republic: visiting Frantis\v ek Mraz (29/01-1/02).
LAbri, Bordeaux, France: visiting Synvain Lombardy e Jacques Sakarovitch (16-19/02). Project Vaucanson-r