Rogério Reis's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
- With S.Broda, A.Machiavelo and N.Moreira studied and developed new conversion methods from regular expressions with intersection to equivalent non-deterministic finite automata without epsilon-transitions and based on the notion of positions.
- With A.Machiavelo continjued the study of assymptotic behaviour of complex series of integer coeficients
- With S.Konstantinidis and N.Moreira development of a randomized error control code generator using automata and transducers.
- with C.Campeaneau and N.Moreira continue the study of the distinguability operation and dissimilarity on finite languages
- With M.Ferreira and N.Moreira development of a graphical interface for automata manipulation; work in collaboration with the Vaucanson-R team (J. Sakarovitch and S. Lombardy)
- With I.Amorim, A.Machiavelo and J.Vieira studied the invertibility of quasi-linear transducers
- With A.Machiavelo and J.Oliveira studied the possibility of a cryptosystem bases on systems on non-linear equations over a finite field.
Seminars and courses given at CMUP or conferences:
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Communications in international conferences
Computational applications:
- FAdo -tools for formal languages manipulation V.1.2
- Vaucanson-r
Outreach activities:
- Workshop de LaTeX, promovido pela AEFCUP, FCUP, 11/10/2016
- Computação Quântica. Uma introdução ``relâmpago'', Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, 27/09/2016
- Como o objectivo de manter segredos nos abre as portas da informação, Primeira Feira de Emprego, Formação Profissional e do Livro, Contrato Local de Desenvolvimento Social de Soure, 05/05/2016.
- Evocando Alan Turing, Escola Secundária D.Afonso Henriques, Vila das Aves, 28/04/2016.