Paula Manuela Lemos Pereira Milheiro de Oliveira's Annual Report

Paula Manuela Lemos Pereira Milheiro de Oliveira's Annual Report



Brief description of the research activities: 

Continuing interdisciplinary work in collaboration with CONSTRUCT unit. We investigated more deeply statistical models for fiber orientation in concrete materials and for self-consolidated concrete pastes.

We applied the theorie of renewal processes to go further on the problem of deriving formuale for mean length and waiting time variability of signalised intersections. We considered semi-adaptive control traffic lights.


Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Paula Manuela Lemos Pereira Milheiro de Oliveira

Work visits: 

IRISA Rennes (Fr),  7-10 Junho 2016. Visting Dr François Le Gland (Head of the research group ASPI) and Frederic Cérou (Aspi project-team member).