Singularidades e Teoria Algébrica em Sistemas Dinâmicos

Exchange project with Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e Computação, USP, under the CAPES/FCT (Brazil/Portugal) agreement. The list below only includes participants from Portugal.

Applications of singularity theory techniques to problems in dynamical systems, to the study of bifurcation with symmetry and to the geometry of low-dimensional manifolds. The problems to be treated correspond to the following topics:

  1.  Symmetries of maps in Minkovski spaces
  2. Equivariant binary differential equations
  3. Gradient systems of coupled cells and coupled cell networks
  4. Algebraic invariants in reversible equivariant Hopf bifurcation
  5. Global dynamics of hyperbolic reversible equivariant diffeomorphisms
  6. Global dynamics near heteroclinic cycles of reversible differential equations
  7.  Symmetries of projected symmetric patterns
  8. Invariants for bifurcation problems
  9. Generic properties of submanifolds of euclidean and hyperbolic spaces
  10.  Topology and classification of singularities and their invariants 



Start date: 

Friday, 1 January, 2016

Area / Group: 



Isabel Salgado Labouriau
Sofia Castro
Alexandre Artur Pinho Rodrigues
Ana Paula Dias
Manuela Aguiar
José Basto Gonçalves
Juliane Fonseca de Oliveira

Other members: 

Célia Sofia Moreira
Rui C. Paiva
Ana Margarida Ferreira

Financial support: 

9 000EUR