WOPA - Porto - 2017 - Workshop on Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications
WOPA is a one day meeting that gather together members of the Analysis Area of CMUP (Center of Mathematics of University of Porto) and other researchers working on this subject.
Venue: Mathematics Department of Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto
Date: September 5th
Place: Room FC1.007, Mathematics Building
Web: https://cmup.fc.up.pt/main/content/wopa-porto-2017
10h Pascal MARONI, CNRS - University Pierre Marie Curie – Paris VI
Convolution and Fourier transforms around vector spaces of polynomials functions
11h Youssèf BEN CHEIKH, University of Monastir, Tunisia
Some partitions of polynomials sets
12h José Carlos PETRONILHO, CMUC, University of Coimbra
On inverse problems and semi-classical orthogonal polynomials
12h 30m – 14h 30m LUNCH
14h 30m Semyon YAKUBOVICH, CMUP, University of Porto
Certain classes of the index transforms and higher order PDE
15h Ana Filipa LOUREIRO, University of Kent, UK
Spectral approximation of convolution operator
15h 30m Kenier CASTILLO, CMUC, University of Coimbra
On variation of zeros of paraorthogonal polynomials on the unit circle
16h Ângela MACEDO, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
Symbolic approach to the general quadratic polynomial decomposition
16h 30m – 17h COFFEE BREAK
17h José MATOS, CMUP, School of Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of Porto
Stabilizing numerical operations with orthogonal polynomials
17h 30m Marco MARTINS AFONSO, CMUP, University of Porto
Applications of multivariate Hermite polynomials in fluid dynamics
18h Herder LIMA, University of Kent, UK
On Müntz-type formulas related to the Riemann zeta function
18h 30m Zélia da ROCHA, CMUP, University of Porto
On connection coefficients, zeros and interception points of perturbed Chebyshev polynomials
Organized by Zélia da ROCHA mrdioh@fc.up.pt
CMUP - Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
DM - FCUP - Departamento de Matemática da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto