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Étienne Ghys (ENS, Lyon)
Étienne Ghys (born 29 December 1954) is a French mathematician recognised for his outstanding contributions in the fields of geometry and dynamical systems, as well as for his exceptional role in the dissemination of Mathematics.
Presently, he is a CNRS Directeur de Recherche at ENS, Lyon. His impressive research has lead to many distinctions and awards, such as his elevation to the french Académie des Sciences in 2004, the title of Chevalier de la légion d’honneur in 2012, the invitations as a speaker at the ICM of Kyoto, as a member of the program committee for the ICM in Hyderabad, as a member of the Fields Medal committee in 2014 or the prize Prix Servant of the Académie des Sciences. He is an honorary member of several prestigious societies around the world and was distinguished as doctor honoris causa by the University of Geneva, in 2008. He has served as editor of several prestigious journals such as Annals of Mathematics and Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS.
His work in the promotion of mathematics is remarkable and was distinguished with the Clay award for dissemination of mathematical knowledge, in 2015, the Prix du livre audio 2011, the Prix d’Alembert de la SMF, in 2010. His series of films, produced with Aurélien Alvarez and Jos Leys and published as DVDs and online in many languages, has had a huge impact on high school students. The first, Dimensions, has been downloaded more than a million times.
25 September 2017
18:00 Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Auditório 3)
Engarrafamentos nas grandes cidades: o preço da anarquia.
Livestream at: 20170925ConferenciaEtienneGhys
Video Archive at:
27th of September
15:00 Universidade de Coimbra (Room Pedro Nunes Dep. Math.)
Três bolas matemáticas
29th of September
14:30 Universidade do Porto (Room 0.07 Dep. Math.)
Singularidades de curvas algébricas reais, um ponto de vista topológico.
Livestream at:
Video Archive at:
Pedro Nunes' Lectures is an initiative organized by CIM and SPM, with the support of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, for promoting short visits to Portugal of outstanding mathematicians. Each visitor is invited to give two or three lectures in Portuguese universities about recent developments in Mathematics, its applications and cultural impact.
Pedro Nunes' Lectures are addressed to a wide audience covering broad mathematical interests, particularly PhD students and young researchers. They constitute an opportunity for students and, especially prospective students to foster acquaintance with outstanding mathematicians. The Pedro Nunes' Lectures promote the cooperation between Portuguese universities and are a high level complement of PhD programs in Mathematics.