Rogério Reis's Annual Report
Brief description of the research activities:
- With A. Machiavelo developed methods to compute the asymptotic behaviour of implicitly defined complex series with integer coefficients.
- With S. Broda, A. Machiavelo and N. Moreira studied the average behaviour of several complexity measures of regular expressions in star normal form using analytic combinatorics
- With S. Broda, M. Holzer, E. Maia and N. Moreira obtained new relations between several conversions from regular expressions to deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata using the notions of positions and derivatives.
- With M. Ferreira and N. Moreira consider a family of nondeterministic finite automata that recognize all regular languages and for each it is possible to obtain a unique canonical form.
- With A. Machiavelo, I. Amorim and J. Vieira studied the invertibility of linear and quasi-linear transducers towards the development of a public-key cryptography system based on linear transducers.
Talks / Seminars / Courses :
Organization of scientific meetings:
Name of the event:
start and end date:
Host institution:
Computational applications:
FAdo - tools for formal languages manipulation V.1.3
Outreach activities:
Palestra, Como o objectivo de manter segredos nos abre as portas da informação, "FDS do NuCC", FCUP, 19/02/2017.
Palestra, Um passeio pelos problemas da Matemática e do Conhecimento, Universidade Sénior de Soure, 13/03/2018.
Work visits:
- Mathias Wendlandt (Universität of Giessen, Germany) visited Porto (2-9/01)
- Johanna Björklund and Henrik Björklund (University of Umea, Sweden) visited Porto (24-29/05)
-Institut für Informatik, Universität of Giessen, Germany: visiting M. Holzer and M. Kutrib (20/10-3/11)