WOPA - Porto - 2018 - Workshop on Orthogonal Polynomials and Applications
This year WOPA is a one day meeting that gather together members of the Analysis Areas of CMUP and CMUC and other researchers working on this subject and is dedicated to Pascal MARONI
Venue: Department of Mathematics of Faculty of Sciences of University of Porto
Date: July 23rd
Place: Room FC1.031, Mathematics Building
Web: https://cmup.fc.up.pt/main/content/wopa-porto-2018
Director of DM-FCUP Professor João Nuno Tavares
Analysis area of CMUP Professors Semyon Yakubovich and Sílvio Gama
10h 45m Zélia da ROCHA, DM-FCUP, CMUP, Porto
Scientific activities of Pascal Maroni
11h José Luís Cardoso, DM-UTAD, Vila Real
11h 10m Kenier CASTILLO, CMUC, University of Coimbra
Coffee Break 11h 15m – 11h 30m
11h 30m Pascal MARONI, CNRS - University Pierre Marie Curie – Paris VI
Interview to Pascal MARONI directed by Kennier Castillo and Zélia da Rocha
12h 30m – 14h 30m LUNCH (Círculo Universitário)
14h 30m Francisco GARCÍA-PACHECO, UCA, Cadiz, Spain
Recent advances on Ricceri’s Conjecture
15h Miguel TIERZ, GFM, ULisboa
Minors of Toeplitz matrices, symmetric functions and random matrix ensembles
15h 30m Manuel GUERRA, ISEG, CMAPRE, ULisboa
On controlled Kolmogorov equations
16h Ruben SOUSA, CMUP, Porto
Product formulas, generalized convolutions and integral transforms
16h 30m – 17h COFFEE BREAK
17h Kenier CASTILLO, CMUC, University of Coimbra
A paper of A. Markov revisited
17h 30m Zélia da ROCHA, DM-FCUP, CMUP, Porto
Automatic symbolic construction of some transformations of orthogonal polynomials
Organized by Kenier Castillo kenier@mat.uc.pt and Zélia da ROCHA mrdioh@fc.up.pt
Supported by DM-FCUP, CMUP, CMUC and FCT.