On symmetric polynomials with only real zeros and nonnegative gamma vectors

room 006 (FC1-Maths Building)
Wednesday, 12 March, 2014 - 15:00

The Eulerian and Narayana polynomials are the generating functions of many combinatorial objects. They appear in several areas of mathematics and share a list of common properties. In this talk I will present a family of polynomials, most of them unknown, that have the same properties as the Eulerian and Narayana polynomials. In particular, a novel and simple proof of real-rooted-ness for the Narayana polynomials is obtained as a direct consequence of our approach. Likewise, we provide an explicit formula to compute the gamma numbers for our family of polynomials. We will say a few words on the geometric and combinatorial significance for these numbers.


Jose Antonio Agapito Ruiz