Workshop: Point Process Models of Heartbeat Dynamics


Rooms 0.31 and 1.18, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences

Date and time: 

December 12, 2014

CMUP – 2014 WORKHOP on Signal Processing and Data Analysis
SCHEDULE/VENUE: 12 December 2014, CMUP/ FCUP – Dep. Matemática (R Campo Alegre, 687)

Riccardo Barbieri
Harvard Medical School / Massachusetts General Hospital, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

PartI – Seminar - Scientific framework: 9-11 am, FCUP, FC1 Room 0.31
Part II – Hands-on application: 11-13am, FCUP, FC1 Room1.18 (subject to availability)

REGISTRATION (deadline: 9 December 2014)
Free but subject to registration; Part II specific registration required, subject to confirmation of place availability.
email: Ana Paula Rocha, WITH SUBJECT: Workshop Barbieri
indicating Name, Affiliation and Contact

General Description: This WORKSHOP will introduce interested faculty and students to the point process mathematical framework and will guide them throughout examples of analytical derivation and algorithmic development, from programming steps to hands-on application to experimental data.

Announcement and Detailed Program _ Document attached

Short Bio: Riccardo Barbieri received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy, in 1992, and the Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University, Boston, MA, in 1998. He is Assistant Professor of Anaesthesia at Harvard Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital and Research Affiliate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His broad research interests are in the development of signal processing algorithms for the analysis of biological systems. He is currently focusing his studies on computational modeling of neural information encoding, and on application of nonlinear and multivariate statistical models to characterize heart rate variability and cardiovascular control dynamics. He is author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications in these fields since 1994. Dr. Barbieri is a Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the European Society of Hypertension, the Society for Neuroscience, and Senior Member of IEEE and the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.