Samuel Lopes's Annual Report

Samuel Lopes's Annual Report



Brief description of the research activities: 

  • Study of the representation theory of differential operator rings and their combinatorics.
  • Study of the Lie structure of the first Hochschild cohomology of differential operator rings.
  • Investigation of the Nakayama automorphism for certain twisted Calabi-Yau algebras arising as Ore extensions.

Proceedings of international conferences (peer reviewed): 

Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals: 

Samuel Lopes

Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Combinatorics gone Weyl
Name of the event:
seminar of the School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science
G. Benkart, Samuel Lopes, M. Ondrus
Location / City:

Organization of scientific meetings: 



Name of the event: 

Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas: Third Workshop

start and end date: 

November 9, 2013



Location / City: 


Organization of regular seminars: 

Co-organizer, with Christian Lomp and Paula Lomp, of CMUP's Algebra, Combinatorics and Number Theory Seminar. 

Student Mentoring: 

Maria José de Barros Martins, Os Frisos de Coxeter, 2013
Elisabete Olívia Monteiro de Matos, Uma Abordagem ao Problema de Steiner, 2013

Outreach activities: 

  • Co-orgnizer, with Helena Mena Matos and António Machiavelo, of CMUP's Escola de Verão de Matemática.
  • Outreach talks "Simetria: velhos paradoxos, novas apologias" and "As Teias da Matemática" given at several high schools for students and/or teachers and at a local meeting of the APM (Portuguese Math Teachers Association).
  • Ativity “007, Ordem para Codificar”, designed for Universidade Júnior 2013, summer workshop July 2013.
  • Thematic session "Matemática e Intuição" held at several high schools, within the project "Círculo de Matemática".

Work visits: 

Visit to the Institute of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, 6-12 May 2013.