Maria Carvalho's Annual Report

Maria Carvalho's Annual Report



Brief description of the research activities: 

Study of impulsive dynamical systems defined on compact metric spaces and their corresponding impulsive semiflows in order to establish sufficient conditions for the existence of invariant probability measures.

Articles in international peer reviewed journals : 

Papers in national peer reviewed journals : 

Papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals: 

Maria Carvalho

Talks / Seminars / Courses : 

Seminars given (at CMUP): 

Outreach activities: 

Supervisor of João Daniel Moreira under the Gulbenkian Foundation Program «New Talents in Mathematics».
Co-author of two articles published at the regular column the Atractor Association keeps at Gazeta de Matemática.
Author of a project for the Summer School at the Mathematics Department - FCUP.