Numerical Analysis

Numerical Solution of Sturm--Liouville Problems via Fer Streamers


Alberto Gil C. P. Ramos


Sunday, 1 June, 2014 - 10:30


Room FC1 030, DM - FCUP

We address the numerical challenge of solving Sturm--Liouville problems in Liouville's normal form, with regular boundary conditions and a continuous and piecewise analytic potential. The novelty of our approach, which is based on a non-standard truncation of Fer expansions, which we call "Fer streamers", lies in the construction of a new numerical method, which, i)

Dense Linear Algebra for Hybrid GPU-Multicore Systems


Marc Baboulin CMUC, Departamento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra


Friday, 16 October, 2009 - 13:30


Anfiteatro 0.27, DMA, FCUP

We highlight the trends leading to the increased appeal of using hybrid multicore+GPU systems for high performance computing. We present a set of techniques that can be used to develop efficient dense linear algebra algorithms for


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