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Pedro V. Silva
Pedro V. Silva
(active tab)
Annual reports
In Press
D'Angeli D
Rodaro E
Groups and Semigroups Defined by Colorings of Synchronizing Automata
. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. In Press.
Diekert V.
Martin F.
Sénizergues G.
Silva PV
Equations over free inverse monoids with idempotent variables
. Theory Comput. Syst.. 2017;61(2):494-520.
Araújo V
Silva PV
Geometric characterizations of virtually free groups
. J. Algebra Appl.. 2017;16(9):1750180.
Branco MJ
Gomes GM
Silva PV
Takahasi semigroups
. Forum Math.. 2017;29(5):1145-1162.
Margolis S.
Rhodes J.
Silva PV
On the topology of a boolean representable simplicial complex
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2017;27(1):121-156.
Pin JE
Silva PV
On uniformly continuous functions for some profinite topologies
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2017;658(A):246-262.
Aramayona J
Diekert V
Leininger CJ
Silva PV
Weiss A
Algorithmic and Geometric Topics Around Free Groups and Automorphisms
. Vol Advanced Courses in Mathematics, CRM Barcelona Birkhäuser 2017.
Silva PV
Soler-Escrivà X
Ventura E
Finite automata for Schreier graphs of virtually free groups
. J. Group Theory. 2016;19:25-54.
Ladra M
Silva PV
Ventura E
Bounding the gap between a free group (outer) automorphism and its inverse
. Collect. Math.. 2016;67(3):329-346.
Silva PV
Soares F
Howson’s property for semidirect products of semilattices by groups
. Comm. Algebra. 2016;44(6):2482-2494.
Rhodes J
Schilling A
Silva PV
Random walks on semaphore codes and delay de Bruijn semigroups
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2016;26(4):635-673.
Araújo V
Silva PV
Holder conditions for endomorphisms of hyperbolic groups
. Comm. Algebra. 2016;44(10):4483-4503.
Rhodes J
Schilling A
Silva PV
The semaphore codes attached to a Turing machine via resets and their various limits
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2016;26(4):675-704.
Rhodes J
Silva PV
Boolean Representations of Simplicial Complexes and Matroids
. Vol Springer Monographs in Mathematics Springer 2015.
Rhodes J
Silva PV
A new notion of vertex independence and rank for finite graphs
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2015;25(1-2):123-167.
Araújo V
Silva PV
Sykiotis M
Finiteness results for subgroups of finite extensions
. J. Algebra. 2015;423:592-614.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
Fixed points of endomorphisms of trace monoids
. Semigroup Forum. 2014;89:266-279.
Pin J-
Silva PV
A noncommutative extension of Mahler's theorem on interpolation series
. Europ. J. Combin.. 2014;36:564-578.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
On periodic points of free inverse monoid endomorphisms
. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 2013;23(8):1789-1803.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
Fixed points of Endomorphisms of Graph Groups
. Journal of Group Theory. 2013;16(4):573-583.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
Amalgams of inverse semigroups and reversible two-counter machines
. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2013;217(4):585-597.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
Amalgams of inverse semigroups and reversible two-counter machines
. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2013;217:585-597.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
On periodic points of free inverse monoid endomorphisms
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2013;23:1789-1804.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
Sykiotis M
Fixed points of endomorphisms of graph groups
. J. Group Theory. 2013;16:573-583.
Silva PV
Fixed points of endomorphisms of virtually free groups
. Pacific J. Math.. 2013;263:207-240.
Rhodes J
Silva PV
Further results on monoids acting on trees
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2012;22:1250034, 69.
Silva PV
Fixed points of endomorphisms of certain free products
. RAIRO Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2012;46:165-179.
Silva PV
Groups and automata: a perfect match
. J. Automata Lang. Combin.. 2012;17(2-4):277-292.
Silva PV
Finite idempotent inverse monoid presentations
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2011;21:1111-1133.
Ladra M
Silva PV
The generalized conjugacy problem for virtually free groups
. Forum Math.. 2011;23:447-482.
Pin J-
Silva PV
On profinite uniform structures defined by varieties of finite monoids
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2011;21:295-314.
Rodaro E
Silva PV
Never minimal automata and the rainbow bipartite sub- graph problem
. In: Development in Language Theory, DLT 2011. Vol LNCS, 6795.; 2011. 3. p. 374-385p.
Konstantinidis S
Silva PV
Computing maximal error-detecting capabilities and distances of regular languages
. Fund. Inform.. 2010;101:257-270.
Silva PV
Fixed points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems
. Monatsh. Math.. 2010;161:417-447.
Howie J.
Reilly N.
Silva PV
Volkov M
A special issue dedicated to the memory of Walter Douglas Munn: a note from the editors
. Semigroup Forum. 2010;81:1.
Silva PV
Weil P
Automorphic orbits in free groups: words versus subgroups
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2010;20:561-590.
Silva P.
Weil P
On finite-index extensions of subgroups of free groups
. J. Group Theory. 2010;13:365-381.
Cassaigne J
Silva PV
Infinite words and confluent rewriting systems: endomorphism extensions
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2009;19:443-490.
Cassaigne J
Silva PV
Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems
. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble). 2009;59:769-810.
Silva PV
Rational subsets of partially reversible monoids
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2008;409:537-548.
Konstantinidis S
Silva PV
Maximal error-detecting capabilities of formal languages
. J. Autom. Lang. Comb.. 2008;13:55-71.
Rhodes J
Silva PV
Turing machines and bimachines
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2008;400:182-224.
Silva PV
Weil P
On an algorithm to decide whether a free group is a free factor of another
. Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2008;42:395-414.
Kambites M
Silva PV
Steinberg B
On the rational subset problem for groups
. J. Algebra. 2007;309:622-639.
Kambites M
Silva PV
Steinberg B
The spectra of lamplighter groups and Cayley machines
. Geom. Dedicata. 2006;120:193-227.
Silva PV
Steinberg B.
On a class of automata groups generalizing lamplighter groups
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2005;15:1213-1234.
Oliveira A
Silva PV
Inverse subsemigroups of the monogenic free inverse semigroup
. Comm. Algebra. 2005;33:3887-3917.
Pin J-
Silva PV
A topological approach to transductions
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2005;340:443-456.
Silva PV
An application of first-order logic to the study of recognizable languages
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2004;14:785-799.
Silva PV
Steinberg B
A geometric characterization of automatic monoids
. Q. J. Math.. 2004;55:333-356.
Silva PV
Free group languages: rational versus recognizable
. Theor. Inform. Appl.. 2004;38:49-67.
Mignosi F
Restivo A
Silva PV
On Fine and Wilf's theorem for bidimensional words
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2003;292:245-262.
Restivo A
Silva PV
Periodicity vectors for labelled trees
. Discrete Appl. Math.. 2003;126:241-260.
Silva PV
The homomorphism problem for trace monoids
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2003;307:199-215.
Silva PV
A note on pure and $p$-pure languages
. Acta Inform.. 2003;39:579-595.
Petrich M
Silva PV
On $*$-bands and their varieties
. Rocky Mountain J. Math.. 2003;33:217-252.
Silva PV
The homomorphism problem for the free monoid
. Discrete Math.. 2002;259:189-200.
Petrich M
Silva PV
Structure of relatively free bands
. Comm. Algebra. 2002;30:4165-4187.
Restivo A
Silva PV
On the lattice of prefix codes
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2002;289:755-782.
Silva PV
Steinberg B
Extensions and submonoids of automatic monoids
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2002;289:727-754.
Silva PV
Recognizable subsets of a group: finite extensions and the abelian case
. Bull. Eur. Assoc. Theor. Comput. Sci. EATCS. 2002:195-215.
Silva PV
Trees associated to inverse monoid presentations
. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2001;165:307-335.
Petrich M
Silva PV
A canonical directly infinite ring
. Czechoslovak Math. J.. 2001;51(126):545-560.
Almeida J
Silva PV
SC-hyperdecidability of $\bf R$
. Theoret. Comput. Sci.. 2001;255:569-591.
Oliveira A
Silva PV
Inverse automata and monoids and the undecidability of the Cayley subgraph problem for groups
. Glasg. Math. J.. 2000;42:421-437.
Silva PV
On unique factorization semilattices
. Discuss. Math. Gen. Algebra Appl.. 2000;20:97-120.
Petrich M
Silva PV
Relationship of certain rings of infinite matrices over integers
. Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8). 2000;3:347-365.
Petrich M
Silva PV
Relatively free bands
. Comm. Algebra. 2000;28:2615-2631.
Petrich M
Silva PV
A functor from semigroups to rings
. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2000;148:285-307.
Petrich M
Silva PV
Relatively free $^\ast$-bands
. Beiträge Algebra Geom.. 2000;41:569-588.
Petrich M
Silva PV
On presentations of semigroup rings
. Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat. (8). 1999;2:127-142.
Petrich M.
Silva PV
On directly infinite rings
. Acta Math. Hungar.. 1999;85:153-165.
Petrich M
Silva PV
On quasi directly infinite rings
. Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged). 1999;65:61-75.
Almeida J
Silva PV
On the hyperdecidability of semidirect products of pseudovarieties
. Comm. Algebra. 1998;26:4065-4077.
Silva PV
On free inverse monoid languages
. RAIRO Inform. Théor. Appl.. 1996;30:349-378.
Silva PV
Conjugacy and transposition for inverse monoid presentations
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1996;6:607-622.
Silva PV
The word problem for nilpotent inverse monoids
. Semigroup Forum. 1995;51:285-293.
Silva PV
On the semilattice of idempotents of a free inverse monoid
. Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2). 1993;36:349-360.
Silva PV
Normal-convex embeddings of inverse semigroups
. Glasgow Math. J.. 1993;35:115-121.
Silva PV
Rational languages and inverse monoid presentations
. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 1992;2:187-207.
Silva PV
A note on primeness of semigroup rings
. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A. 1992;120:191-197.
Silva PV
Clifford monoid presentations
. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.. 1992;111:445-454.
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