José Manuel Andrade de Matos

Vasconcelos PB, Matos JM, Trindade M.. Spectral Lanczos’ tau method for systems of nonlinear integro-differential equations. Vol Integral Methods in Science and Engineering Springer 2017.
Matos JM, Rodrigues M., Matos J.. Solving Integro-Differential Equations with Spectral Methods. In: 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Universidade do Minho ed. APMTAC; 2017. 2. p. 221-230p.
Trindade M., Matos J., Vasconcelos PB. Dealing with functional coefficients within Tau method. In: 3rd International Conference on Numerical and Symbolic Computation. Universidade do Minho ed. APMTAC; 2017. 1. p. 11-26p.
Trindade M., Matos J., Vasconcelos PB. Towards a Lanczos Tau-Method Toolkit for Differential Problems. Mathematics in Computer Science. 2016;10(3):313-329.
Gavina A, Matos J., Vasconcelos PB. Improving the Accuracy of Chebyshev Tau Method for Nonlinear Differential Problems. Mathematics in Computer Science. 2016;10(2):279-289.
Gavina A, Matos JM, Vasconcelos PB. Computation of Optimal Control Solutions with the Tau Method and an Error Estimator . In: Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 2014 14th International Conference on . Portugal, Guimarães: IEEE; 2014. 1. p. 111-115p.
de Matos JC, Matos JM, Rodrigues MJ. On the Localization of Zeros and Poles of Chebyshev-Padé Approximants from Perturbed Functions. Vol Lecture Notes in Computational Science, vol 8584 Portugal, Guimarães: Springer International Publishing 2014.
Rodrigues MJ, Matos JM. A tau method for nonlinear dynamical systems. Numerical Algorithms. 2013;62(4):583-600.
Castro A, Matos J., Gavina A. Numerical solution of a PDE system with non-linear steady state conditions that translates the air stripping pollutants removal. Vol Nonlinear Science and Complexity Springer Netherlands 2011.
Matos J., Rodrigues MJ, Vasconcelos PB. New implementation of the Tau method for PDEs. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2004;164(1):555-567.