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[2008-24] Bessa M. Are there chaotic maps in the sphere? .
[2005-40] Bessa M. The Lyapunov exponents of zero divergence 3-dimensional vector fields .
[2015-38] Bessa M, Ferreira C, Rocha J, Varandas P. Generic Hamiltonian dynamics, .Edit
Bessa M. Homeomorfismos do plano sem pontos fixos 2005.
Bessa M, Rocha J. Homoclinic tangencies versus uniform hyperbolicity for conservative 3-flows. J. Differential Equations. 2009;247:2913-2923.
[2008-8] Bessa M. Generic incompressible flows are topological mixing .
[2007-10] Bessa M, Dias JL. Generic dynamics of 4-dimensional C² Hamiltonian systems .Edit
[2007-20] Bessa M, Duarte P. Abundance of elliptic dynamics on conservative 3-flows .Edit
[2014-8] Bessa M, Rodrigues A. A dichotomy in area-preserving reversible maps .Edit
Bessa M, Rocha J. A remark on the topological stability of symplectomorphisms. Appl. Math. Lett.. 2012;25:163-165.
Bessa M, Rodrigues A. A Dichotomy in Area-Preserving Reversible Maps. Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst.. 2016;15(2):309-326.Edit
[2010-8] Bessa M, Varandas P. On the entropy of conservative flows .
[2007-5] Bessa M, Rocha J. Denseness of ergodicity for a class of partially hyperbolic volume-preserving flows .Edit
Bessa M, Rocha J. Removing zero Lyapunov exponents in volume-preserving flows. Nonlinearity. 2007;20:1007-1016.
[2008-3] Bessa M, Dias JL. Hamiltonian elliptic dynamics on symplectic 4-manifolds .Edit
Bessa M, Rocha J. Contributions to the geometric and ergodic theory of conservative flows. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 2013;33:1709-1731.
Bessa M, Rocha J. Three-dimensional conservative star flows are Anosov. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst.. 2010;26:839-846.
[2014-7] Bessa M, Carvalho M, Rodrigues A. Generic area-preserving reversible diffeomorphisms .Edit
Bessa M, Rocha J, Torres MJ. Hyperbolicity and stability for Hamiltonian flows. J. Differential Equations. 2013;254:309-322.Edit
Bessa M, Rocha J. On the fundamental regions of a fixed point free conservative Hénon map. Bull. Aust. Math. Soc.. 2008;77:37-48.
Bessa M., Ferreira C., Rocha J., Varandas P.. Generic Hamiltonian dynamics. J. Dynam. Differential Equations. 2017;29:203-218.Edit
[2006-36] Bessa M, Rocha J. Removing zero Lyapunov exponents in volume-preserving flows .Edit
Bessa M, Ferreira C, Rocha J. On the stability of the set of hyperbolic closed orbits of a Hamiltonian. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc.. 2010;149:373-383.Edit
Bessa M, Varandas P. Trivial and Simple Spectrum for SL(d,R) Cocycles with Free Base and Fiber Dynamics. Acta Mathematica Sinica. 2015; 31(7):1113-1122.
Bessa M, Rocha J, Torres MJ. Shades of hyperbolicity for Hamiltonians. Nonlinearity. 2013;26:2851-2873.Edit


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