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Cherubini A, Rodaro E. Amalgams vs Yamamura’s HNN-extensions of inverse semigroups. Algebra Colloquium. 2011;18(4):647-657.Edit
Simões Md, de Oliveira PM, Costa AP. Análise de filas de espera com pausas do servidor para controle de tráfego 2005.Edit
Simões Md, Oliveira PM, Costa AP. Análise do desempenho de um cruzamento regulado por controlo semi-actuado 2006.Edit
Simões Md, de Oliveira PM, Costa AP. Análise Probabilística do fluxo de tráfego num cruzamento semi-actuado 2002.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Daher R. An analog of Morgan's theorem for the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform. Adv. Pure Appl. Math.. 2010;1:159-162.Edit
[2004-10] Yakubovich SB. An analog of the Hausdorff-Young theorem for the Lebedev integral .
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Afonso MM. Anomalous diffusion for inertial particles under gravity in parallel flows. Physical Review E. 2014;89(6):063021: 1-8.Edit
Boi S, Afonso MM, Mazzino A. Anomalous diffusion of inertial particles in random parallel flows: theory and numerics face to face. Journal of Statistical Mechanics. 2015;2015(10):P10023: 1-21.Edit
Nazardonyavi S, Yakubovich SB. Another proof of Spira's inequality and its application to the Riemann hypothesis. J. Math. Inequal.. 2013;7:167-174.Edit
Nazardonyavi S, Yakubovich SB. Another proof of Spira's inequality and its application to the Riemann hypothesis. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities. 2013;7(2):167-174.Edit
Neto E, Sousa D, Alencastre IS, Alves J., Aguiar P, Lamghari M. Antagonize without compromise: effect of Y-1 receptor antagonism in bone re-innervation. In: JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE. Vol 8. WILEY-BLACKWELL 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA; 2014. 4. p. 403-404p. Edit
Teixeira GQ, Pereira CL, Castro F, Ferreira JR, Gomez-Lazaro M, Aguiar P, et al. Anti-inflammatory Chitosan/Poly-γ-glutamic acid nanoparticles control inflammation while remodeling extracellular matrix in degenerated intervertebral disc. Acta biomaterialia. 2016;42:168-179.Edit
Mesquita A, Valente PA, de Oliveira PM. Aplicações do Modelo de Inversão para Reconstrução Batimétrica 2006.Edit
Maroni P., Mesquita T.. Appell polynomial sequences with respect to some differential operators. Period. Math. Hungar. . 2016;72(2):200-217.Edit


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