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[2008-37] Baptista M., Conti L.. The staircase structure of the Southern Brazilian Continental Shelf .Edit
[2007-6] Baptista M., Gama SM, Zheligovsky V.. Eddy diffusivity in convective hydromagnetic systems .Edit
[2007-7] Baptista M., Gama SM, Zheligovsky V.. Multiscale Analysis of Convective Magnetic Systems in a Horizontal Layer .Edit
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[2008-11] Baptista M., Maranhão D., Sartorelli J.. Dynamical estimates of chaotic systems from Poincaré recurrences .Edit
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Barisic M, Aguiar P, Geley S, Maiato H. Kinetochore motors drive congression of peripheral polar chromosomes by overcoming random arm-ejection forces. Nature cell biology. 2014;16:1249-1256.Edit
Barisic M, Aguiar P, Geley S, Maiato H. CENP-E and detyrosinated microtubules guide peripheral polar chromosomes towards the cell equator.. In: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. Vol 25. AMER SOC CELL BIOLOGY 8120 WOODMONT AVE, STE 750, BETHESDA, MD 20814-2755 USA; 2014. Edit
Barme-Delcroix M-, Brito M. Multivariate stability and strong limiting behaviour of intermediate order statistics. J. Multivariate Anal.. 2001;79:157-170.Edit
[2010-28] Bartholdi L, Silva PV. Rational subsets of groups .Edit
[2010-29] Bartholdi L, Silva PV. Groups defined by automata .Edit
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[2012-38] Basto-Gonçalves J. Local geometry of surfaces in $\mathbf R^4$ .
[2013-8] Basto-Gonçalves J. Inflection points and asymptotic lines on Lagrangean surfaces .
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