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Yeldan O, Colorni A, Lue A, Rodaro E. A stochastic continuous cellular automata traffic flow model with a multi-agent fuzzy system. In: EWGT2012 - 15th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation, September 2012, Paris. Vol Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences vol. 54.; 2012. p. pp. p. 1350-1359p. Edit
Yakubovich SB. The Kontorovich-Lebedev type transforms and their convolutions. In: Complex analysis and generalized functions (Varna, 1991). Publ. House Bulgar. Acad. Sci., Sofia; 1993. 3. p. 348-360p.
Yakubovich SB, Gusarevich L.. On the non-convolution transformation with the Macdonald type kernel function. Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal.. 1998;1:297-309.Edit
Yakubovich SB. Integral and series transformations via Ramanujan's identities and Salem's type equivalences to the Riemann hypothesis. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2014;25:255-271.
Yakubovich SB, Britvina LE. Convolutions related to the Fourier and Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms revisited. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2010;21:259-276.Edit
Yakubovich SB. $L_2$-boundedness of the gamma-product transform. Liet. Mat. Rink.. 2006;46:285-297.
Yakubovich SB. On the theory of convolution integral equations related to Lebedev's type operators. Sarajevo J. Math.. 2009;5(17):119-132.
Yakubovich SB. On the Lebedev transformation in Hardy's spaces. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci.. 2004:3603-3616.
[2010-11] Yakubovich SB. Multidimensional Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms .
Yakubovich SB, Hai NT, Buschman R.. Convolutions for $H$-function transformations. Indian J. Pure Appl. Math.. 1992;23:743-752.Edit
Yakubovich SB, Drygas P., Mityushev V.. Closed-form evaluation of two-dimensional static lattice sums. Proc. R. Soc. A. 2016;472: 20160510.Edit
Yakubovich SB. Integral transforms of the Kontorovich-Lebedev convolution type. Collect. Math.. 2003;54:99-110.
[2010-20] Yakubovich SB, Vieira N. A radial version of the Kontorovich-Lebedev transform in the unit ball .Edit
Yakubovich SB. Voronoi-Nasim summation formulas and index transforms. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2012;23:369-388.
Yakubovich SB, Luchko Y.. Generalizations of the Leibniz rule to integral convolutions. Dokl. Akad. Nauk BSSR. 1991;35:111-115, 188.Edit
Yakubovich SB. Composition theorems of Plancherel type for index transformations. Dokl. Akad. Nauk Belarusi. 1994;38:29-32, 122 (1995).
[2013-13] Yakubovich SB, Martins M.. On the square of Stieltjes's transform and its convolution with applications to singular integral equations .Edit
Yakubovich SB, Yarotzkaya L.. Integral transformation associated with the Macdonald type kernels. East-West J. Math.. 2000;2:73-84.Edit
Yakubovich SB. On the Watson $L_2$-theory for index transforms II. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2010;21:663-673.
Yakubovich SB. A remark on the inversion formula for Wimp's integral transformation with respect to the index. Differentsial\cprime nye Uravneniya. 1985;21:1097-1098, 1104.
Yakubovich SB, Fisher B. On the theory of the Kontorovich-Lebedev transformation on distributions. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 1994;122:773-777.Edit


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