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Pinto N. Mutation and mutation rates at y chromosome specific Short Tandem Repeat Polymorphisms (STRs): A reappraisal. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2014;9:20-24.Edit
Pinto N., M. M, Conde-Sousa E, Gomes C, Pereira R, Alves C, et al. Assessing paternities with inconclusive STR results: the suitability of bi-allelic markers. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2013;7(1):16-21.Edit
Pinto N.. When the alleged father is a close relative of the real father: The utility of insertion/deletion polymorphisms. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series. 2011;3.Edit
[2004-22] Pinto CA, Golubitsky M. Central Pattern Generators for Bipedal Locomotion .Edit
Pinto CM, Machado J.. Fractional model for malaria transmission under control strategies. Comput. Math. Appl.. 2013;66:908-916.Edit
Pinto CM. A latency fractional order model for HIV dynamics. J. Comput. Appl. Math.. 2017;312:240-256.Edit
Pinto CM. Stability of quadruped robots' trajectories subjected to discrete perturbations. Nonlinear Dynam.. 2012;70:2089-2094.Edit
[2009-15] Pinto P., Baptista M., Labouriau IS. Density of first Poincaré returns, periodic orbits and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy .Edit
Pinto N. Assessing paternities with inconclusive STR results: The suitability of bi-allelic markers. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2013;7:16-21.Edit
[2017-35] Pinto CM. Novel results of asymmetrically coupled fractional neurons .
Pinto N. General derivation of the sets of pedigrees with the Same Kinship coefficients. Human Heredity. 2010;70:194-204.Edit
Pinto CM. Strange patterns in one ring of Chen oscillators coupled to a `buffer' cell. Journal of Vibration and Control. 2016;22(4):3267-3295.Edit
Pinto CM, Rocha D, Santos CP. Biped robots: effects of small perturbations on the generation of modular trajectories. JNAIAM. J. Numer. Anal. Ind. Appl. Math.. 2012;7:27-37.Edit
Pinto N. A general approach to power calculation for relationship testing. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2014;9:186-190.Edit
[2017-24] Podvigina O., Castro SB, Labouriau I.. Stability of a heteroclinic network and its cycles: a case study from Boussinesq convection .Edit
[2011-28] Polasek W. The extended Hodrick-Prescott (HP) lter for spatial regression smoothing .Edit
[2011-11] Polasek W. Endogeneity and Exogeneity in Sales Response Functions .Edit
[2011-27] Polasek W. The Hodrick-Prescott (HP) lter as a Bayesian regression model .Edit
[2011-10] Polaseka W. MCMC estimation of extended Hodrick-Prescott (HP) ltering models .Edit
[2017-36] Polizzi F., Rito C., Roulleau X.. A pair of rigid surfaces with p_g=q=2 and K^2=8 whose universal cover is not the bidisk .Edit
Pribavkina EV, Rodaro E. Synchronizing automata with finitely many minimal synchronizing words. Information and Computation. 2011;209(3):568-579.Edit
Pribavkina EV, Rodaro E. Finitely generated synchronizing automata. In: Language and Automata Theory and Applications, LATA 2009. Vol LNCS, 5457.; 2009. 6. p. 672-683p. Edit
Pribavkina EV, Rodaro E. State complexity for code operators. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 2011;22(7):1669-1681.Edit
Pribavkina EV, Rodaro E. State complexity of prefix, suffix, bifix and infix op- erators on regular languages. Vol LNCS, 6224 2010.Edit
Pribavkina EV, Rodaro E. Recognizing Synchronizing Automata with Finitely Many Minimal Synchronizing Words is PSPACE-Complete. In: Computability in Europe, CiE 2011. Vol LNCS, 6735.; 2011. 2. p. 230-238p. Edit


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