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Carvalho M. Commuting expanding dynamics. Portugaliae Mathematica. 1999;56(4):443-463.
Carvalho M, Bessa M. On the Lyapunov spectrum of infinite dimensional random products of compact operators. Stochastics and Dynamics. 2008;8(4):1-19.
Carvalho PA, Lopes SA. Automorphisms of generalized down-up algebras. Comm. Algebra. 2009;37:1622-1646.
Carvalho PA, Musson IM. Down-up algebras and their representation theory. J. Algebra. 2000;228:286-310.Edit
Carvalho M, Bessa M, Rodrigues A. Generic area-preserving reversible diffeomorphisms. Nonlinearity. 2015;28:1695-1720.Edit
Carvalho M, Hager M. Geometric orbits. Mathematical Intelligencer. 2012;34(2):56-62.Edit
[2016-28] Casals-Ruiz M, Kazachkov I, Zakharov A. On commensurability of some right-angled Artin groups .Edit
[2007-35] Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems .Edit
[2006-47] Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite words and confluent rewriting systems: endomorphism extensions .Edit
Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite periodic points of endomorphisms over special confluent rewriting systems. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble). 2009;59:769-810.Edit
Cassaigne J, Silva PV. Infinite words and confluent rewriting systems: endomorphism extensions. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2009;19:443-490.Edit
Castro SB. The disappearance of the limit cycle in a mode interaction problem with $Z_2$ symmetry. Nonlinearity. 1997;10:425-432.
Castro L, Aguiar P. Phase precession through acceleration of local theta rhythm: A biophysical model for the interaction between place cells and local inhibitory neurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2012;33:141-150.
Castro SB, Labouriau IS. Counting Persistent Pitchforks. Vol V International Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities São Carlos SP Brazil: CRC press 2000.Edit
Castro SB, Dakhlia S, Gothen PB. Direct perturbations of aggregate excess demand. J. Math. Econom.. 2010;46:562-571.Edit
[2014-2] Castro SB, Lohse A. Stability in simple heteroclinic networks in R4 .Edit
Castro A, Matos J., Gavina A. Numerical solution of a PDE system with non-linear steady state conditions that translates the air stripping pollutants removal. Vol Nonlinear Science and Complexity Springer Netherlands 2011.Edit
Castro SB, Plessis A.. Intrinsic complete transversals and the recognition of equivariant bifurcations. In: E{QUADIFF} 2003. World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ; 2005. 4. p. 458-463p. Edit
[2008-31] Castro SB, Dakhlia S.. Finiteness of Walrasian equilibria .Edit
Castro SB, Lohse A. Stability in simple heteroclinic networks in R4. Dynamical Systems: an International Journal. 2014;29(4):451-481.Edit
[2017-2] Castro SB, Labouriau IS, Oliveira JF. Projections of Periodic Functions and Mode Interactions .Edit
Castro L, Aguiar P. A feedforward model for the formation of a grid field where spatial information is provided solely from place cells. Biological Cybernetics. 2014;108:133-143.
Castro SB, Dakhlia S, Gothen PB. From singularity theory to finiteness of Walrasian equilibria. Math. Social Sci.. 2013;66:169-175.Edit
Castro SB. Mixed-mode solutions in mode interaction problems with symmetry. In: Dynamics, bifurcation and symmetry ({C}argèse, 1993). Vol 437. Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht; 1994. 6. p. 69-77p.
[2016-11] Castro SB. Learning by replicator and best-response: the importance of being indifferent .
