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Rodaro E, Silva PV. Amalgams of inverse semigroups and reversible two-counter machines. J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2013;217:585-597.
Rodaro E, Silva PV. Amalgams of inverse semigroups and reversible two-counter machines. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra. 2013;217(4):585-597.
Rodaro E, Cherubini A. Decidability of the word problem in Yamamura’s HNN extensions of finite inverse semigroups. Semigroup Forum. 2008;77:163-186.Edit
Rodaro E, Silva PV. Fixed points of endomorphisms of trace monoids. Semigroup Forum. 2014;89:266-279.
[2012-28] Rodaro E, Silva PV, Sykiotis M. Fixed points of endomorphisms of graph groups .Edit
[2012-35] Rodaro E, Silva PV. On periodic points of free inverse monoid endomorphisms .
Rodaro E. Bicyclic subsemigroups in amalgams of finite inverse semigroups. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 2010;20(1):89-113.
Rodaro E, Silva PV, Sykiotis M. Fixed points of endomorphisms of graph groups. J. Group Theory. 2013;16:573-583.Edit
Rodaro E, Silva PV. On periodic points of free inverse monoid endomorphisms. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. 2013;23(8):1789-1803.
[2009-46] Rodrigues A., Labouriau IS, Aguiar MA. Chaotic Double Cycling .
Rodrigues AA, Labouriau IS, Aguiar MA. Um carrossel caótico: dinâmica perto de redes heteroclínicas 2010.Edit
Rodrigues MJ, Matos J. Numerical solution of partial differential equations with the tau method. In: First Meeting on Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Coimbra, 1995). Vol 11. Univ. Coimbra, Coimbra; 1997. 1. p. 111-121p. (Textos Mat. Sér. B; vol 11).Edit
Rodrigues M., Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. Operational calculus for Bessel's fractional equation. In: Advances in harmonic analysis and operator theory. Vol 229. Birkhäuser/Springer Basel AG, Basel; 2013. 3. p. 357-370p. (Oper. Theory Adv. Appl.; vol 229).Edit
Rodrigues MJ, Matos JM. A tau method for nonlinear dynamical systems. Numerical Algorithms. 2013;62(4):583-600.
Rodrigues AA. Attractors in complex networks. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 2017;27:103105.Edit
Rodrigues M, Aguiar P. Neuronal connectivity inference from spike trains using an empirical probabilistic causality measure. BMC Neuroscience. 2009;10:P169.Edit
Rodrigues AA. Persistent switching near a heteroclinic model for the geodynamo problem. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals . 2013;47 :73-86.Edit
Rodrigues AA, Labouriau IS, Aguiar MA. A chaotic carousel: dynamics near heteroclinic networks. Bol. Soc. Port. Mat.. 2010:103-109.Edit
Rodrigues A.. Repelling dynamics near a Bykov cycle. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations. 2013.
Rodrigues A. Moduli for heteroclinic connections involving saddle-foci and periodic solutions. Disc. Cont. Dyn. Systems A. 2015;35(7):3155-3182.Edit
[2011-20] Rodrigues M., Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. Operational calculus for Bessel's fractional equation .Edit
Rodrigues M., Yakubovich SB. On a heat kernel for the index Whittaker transform. Carpathian J. Math.. 2013;29:231-238.Edit
Rodrigues A, Labouriau IS. Spiralling dynamics near a heteroclinic network. Physica D. 2014.Edit
[2012-14] Rodrigues M., Yakubovich SB. On a heat kernel for the index Whittaker transform .Edit
Rodrigues M., Vieira N, Yakubovich SB. A convolution operator related to the generalized Mehler-Fock and Kontorovich-Lebedev transforms. Results Math.. 2013;63:511-528.Edit


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