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Rocha J. Periodic points of a continuous map of the interval. Portugal. Math.. 1987;44:361-370.
Rocha J. Centralizers and entropy. Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat. (N.S.). 1994;25:213-222.
[2005-24] Rocha J. A note on the C0-centralizer of an open class of bidimensional Anosov diffeomorphisms .Edit
[2004-42] Rocha F, Basto-Gonçalves J. Classification of linear differential equations near infinity .Edit
Rocha J, Varandas P. The centralizer of $C^r$-generic diffeomorphisms at hyperbolic basic sets is trivial. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.. 2018;146:247-260.Edit
Rocha AP, Leite A., Silva ME. Volatility Leveraging in Heart Rate: health vs disease. In: Computing in Cardiology 2016. Vol vol. 43. IEEE ed.; 2016. 0. p. 008-287p. Edit
[2010-7] Rocha Z. Symbolic implementation, in the Mathematica language, for deriving closed formulas for connection co .
Rocha J. Rigidity of centralizers of real analytic diffeomorphisms. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems. 1993;13:175-197.
Rocha J. A note on the $C^0$-centralizer of an open class of bidimensional Anosov diffeomorphisms. Aequationes Math.. 2008;76:105-111.
Rocha J, Varandas P. On sensitivity to initial conditions and uniqueness of conjugacies for structurally stable diffeomorphisms. Nonlinearity. 2018;31:293-313.Edit
Rocha J.. Rigidity of the $C^1$-centralizer of bidimensional diffeomorphisms. In: Dynamical systems ({S}antiago, 1990). Vol 285. Longman Sci. Tech., Harlow; 1993. 2. p. 211-229p. Edit
Rocha AP, Almeida R, Leite A., Silva M., Silva M.. Long-term HRV in critically ill pediatric patients: Coma versus brain death. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2014.; 2014. 8. p. 89-92p. Edit
Rocha AP, Almeida R, Leite A., Silva M., Silva M.. Long-term HRV in critically ill pediatric patients:Coma versus brain death. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2014. Vol 41. USA, Cambridge M.A.: IEEE; 2014. 8. p. 89-92p. Edit
M. Riva D, Yakubovich SB. On a Riemann-Liouville fractional analog of the Laplace operator with positive energy. Integral Transforms Spec. Funct.. 2012;23:277-295.Edit
[2010-22] M. Riva D, Yakubovich SB. On a Riemann-Liouville fractional analog of the Laplace operator with positive energy .Edit
[2013-19] Rito C. Surfaces with $p_g=0,$ $K^2=3$ and 5-torsion .
[2013-26] Rito C. New canonical triple covers of surfaces .
Rito C. Some bidouble planes with $p_g=q=0$ and $4\leq K^2\leq 7$. International Journal of Mathematics. 2015;26(5).
[2015-18] Rito C. A surface with $q=2$ and canonical map of degree $16$ .
Rito C.. A surface with canonical map of degree 24. International Journal of Mathematics. 2017;28(6).Edit
Rito C. Cuspidal quintics and surfaces with $p_g=0,$ $K^2=3$ and 5-torsion. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics. 2016;19(1):42-53.
[2015-20] Rito C. A surface with canonical map of degree $24$ .
Rito C.. On the construction of complex algebraic surfaces. Vol 38, 39 2017.Edit
Rito C, Sanchez MM. Hyperelliptic surfaces with $K^2 < 4\chi - 6$. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. 2015;52(4):929-947.Edit
[2015-19] Rito C. New surfaces with $K^2=7$ and $p_g=q\leq 2$ .
