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On fixed points of the lower set operator. Int. J. Algebra Comput.. 2015;25(1-2):259-292.Edit
McCammond's normal forms for free aperiodic semigroups revisited. LMS J. Comput. Math.. 2015;18:130-147.Edit
A note on pseudovarieties of completely regular semigroups. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. 2015;92(2):233-237.Edit
Closures of regular languages for profinite topologies. Semigroup Forum. 2014;89:20-40.Edit
Iterated periodicity over finite aperiodic semigroups. European J. Combin.. 2014;37:115-149.Edit
Semisimple Synchronizing Automata and the Wedderburn-Artin Theory. In: Development in Language Theory, DLT 2014. Vol LNCS, 8633.; 2014. 4. p. 49-60p. Edit
Semisimple synchronizing automata and the Wedderburn-Artin theory. In: Developments in Language Theory, 2014. Vol Developments in Language Theory. Russia, Ekaterinburg: Springer; 2014. 4. p. 49-60p. Edit
Presentations of Schützenberger groups of minimal subshifts. Israel J. Math.. 2013;196:1-31.Edit
A sequence of weakly monotonic automata with increasing level. Int. J. Algebra. 2013;7:91-100.Edit
On the transition semigroups of centrally labeled Rauzy graphs. Internat. J. Algebra Comput.. 2012;22:1250018, 25.Edit
Idempotent-generated semigroups and pseudovarieties. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 2011;54:545-568.Edit
Characterization of group radicals with an application to Mal\cprime cev products. Illinois J. Math.. 2010;54:199-221.Edit
New decidable upper bound of the second level in the Straubing-Thérien concatenation hierarchy of star-free languages. Discrete Math. Theor. Comput. Sci.. 2010;12:41-58.Edit
Semidirect product with an order-computable pseudovariety and tameness. Semigroup Forum. 2010;81:26-50.Edit
A counterexample to a conjecture concerning concatenation hierarchies. Inform. Process. Lett.. 2009;110:4-7.Edit