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Aguiar MA, Dias A., Ferreira F. Patterns of Synchrony for Feed-forward and Auto-reed-forward Neural Networks. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science. 2017;27(1):013103.Edit
Aguiar MA, Dias A., Ferreira F. Patterns of synchrony for feed-forward and auto-regulation feed-forward neural networks. Chaos . 2017;27:013103,.Edit
Almeida FD, Fernandes R. Projection methods based on grids for weakly singular integral equations. Applied Numerical Mathematics. 2017;Volume 114:47-54.Edit
Almeida J, Shahzamanian M., Steinberg B.. The pro-nilpotent group topology on a free group. Journal of Algebra. 2017;480:332-345.Edit
Aimino R, Nicol M, Todd M. Recurrence statistics for the space of interval exchange maps and the Teichmüller flow on the space of translation surfaces. Ann. Inst. Henri Poincaré Probab. Stat.. 2017;53:1371-1401.Edit
Almeida J, Costa JC, Zeitoun M. Reducibility of pointlike problems. Semigroup Forum. 2017;94(2):325-335.Edit
Alves JF, Dias CL, Luzzatto S. SRB measures for partially hyperbolic systems whose central direction is weakly expanding. J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS). 2017;19:2911-2946.Edit
Alves JF, Pumariño A., Vigil E. Statistical stability for multidimensional piecewise expanding maps. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 2017;145:3057-3068.Edit
Almeida J, Couceiro M, Waldhauser T. On the topological semigroup of equational classes of finite functions under composition. J. of Mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing. 2017;28(1):5-28.Edit
[2017-9] Almeida J, Klíma O. Towards a pseudoequational proof theory .Edit
Dias M, Gaio A., Sousa P, Abranches M., Gomes M., Oliveira O., et al. Tuberculosis Among the Homeless: Should We Change the Strategy? International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2017;21(3):327-332.Edit
Mestre AL, Cerquido M, Inácio PM, Asgarifar S, Lourenço AS, Cristiano ML, et al. Ultrasensitive gold micro-structured electrodes enabling the detection of extra-cellular long-lasting potentials in astrocytes populations. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:14284.Edit
Mestre AL, Cerquido M, Inácio PM, Asgarifar S, Lourenço AS, Cristiano ML, et al. Ultrasensitive gold micro-structured electrodes enabling the detection of extra-cellular long-lasting potentials in astrocytes populations. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:14284.Edit
Mestre AL, Cerquido M, Inácio PM, Asgarifar S, Lourenço AS, Cristiano ML, et al. Ultrasensitive gold micro-structured electrodes enabling the detection of extra-cellular long-lasting potentials in astrocytes populations. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:14284.Edit
Sousa DM, Conceição F, Silva DI, Leitão L, Neto E, Alves CJ, et al. Ablation of Y1 receptor impairs osteoclast bone-resorbing activity. Scientific reports. 2016;6.Edit
Sousa DM, Conceição F, Silva DI, Leitão L, Neto E, Alves CJ, et al. Ablation of Y1 receptor impairs osteoclast bone-resorbing activity. Scientific reports. 2016;6.Edit
Sousa DM, Conceição F, Silva DI, Leitão L, Neto E, Alves CJ, et al. Ablation of Y1 receptor impairs osteoclast bone-resorbing activity. Scientific reports. 2016;6.Edit
Assi A, García-Sánchez PA. Algorithms for curves with one place at infinity. J. Symbolic Comput.. 2016;74:475-492.Edit
Teixeira GQ, Pereira CL, Castro F, Ferreira JR, Gomez-Lazaro M, Aguiar P, et al. Anti-inflammatory Chitosan/Poly-γ-glutamic acid nanoparticles control inflammation while remodeling extracellular matrix in degenerated intervertebral disc. Acta biomaterialia. 2016;42:168-179.Edit
Afonso MM. Applications of mathematics in fluid dynamics. Vol 36 Centro Internacional de Matemática 2016.Edit
Azevedo D, Freitas AC, Freitas JM, Rodrigues FB. Clustering of extreme events created by multiple correlated maxima. Phys. D. 2016;315:33-48.Edit
Afonso MM, Mazzino A, Gama SM. Combined role of molecular diffusion, mean streaming and helicity in the eddy diffusivity of short-correlated random flows. Journal of Statistical Mechanics. 2016;2016(10):103205: 1-17.Edit
Neto E, Leitão L, Sousa DM, Alves CJ, Alencastre IS, Aguiar P, et al. Compartmentalized microfluidic platforms: The unrivaled breakthrough of in vitro tools for neurobiological research. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016;36:11573-11584.Edit
Neto E, Leitão L, Sousa DM, Alves CJ, Alencastre IS, Aguiar P, et al. Compartmentalized microfluidic platforms: The unrivaled breakthrough of in vitro tools for neurobiological research. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016;36:11573-11584.Edit
Neto E, Leitão L, Sousa DM, Alves CJ, Alencastre IS, Aguiar P, et al. Compartmentalized microfluidic platforms: The unrivaled breakthrough of in vitro tools for neurobiological research. Journal of Neuroscience. 2016;36:11573-11584.Edit
